Friday, December 27, 2019

A recent insight on Sign 'Energies'

This insight leads me to wonder how much and to what degree the daily practice of astrology (conceiving yourself in an astrological frame whether you have any knowledge about it or not) is constructed by the static way in which we live in this corrupted (one might also remark SUBLUNAR) realm, and I'm pretty sure that it does. Again I don't wish to disparage people for having an insufficient or even false concept of astrology, because after all it's not so much the falsity of it so much as simply being too crude to carry much truth. There really isn't anything wrong with saying "Pisces is such and such," only that, in its generality, it lacks any real substance or weight in understanding on an astral level what being born under a certain sign really means. What, indeed, the very fact of the earth being under the 'reign' of a constellation through a portion of its revolution means in a greater cosmic sense.

Indeed it is a very strange fact that the native is born, let alone born in such a star-studded awe-inspiring unfathomableness as the universe... but in terms of astrology, which I'm going to take for granted given my audience, I am thinking that one must assume the cold distance of the stars. Which means, in short, they are beyond immediate human conception. Not that they are inconceivable. I think we must assume a very terrestrial-oriented astrology. In fact, if you consider yourself in the giant breadth of life, your astrology almost comes secondary. In the day to day and moment to moment reality, you are simply a hyper-intelligent mammal on the planet earth. The stars must undergo a distillation through your crystalline glass mindtubes - despite their vastness, compared to our tiny bodies, the concentration of psychically significant matter resides on earth; otherwise, astrology would have no meaning; that is, who cares how astrology affects my extraterrestrial being?

And yet however the stars reach out to not only the psyche and soul but to our total earthly presence, because if it doesn't gather together all the senses than it is not truly penetrative. In a slightly fatal vein, one does not 'be' one's sign, instead one becomes it. With the planet's it will always be different: these are all solar system bodies on a solar system plane. The Sun, however, is the sibling of the stars in a way which we could only understand if were suns too. That is basically my defense (tho 10th house northnode Pisces Sun) of sun-sign oriented astrology. But I clearly find the dominants of any chart the most powerful determiner: the moon, Pluto, the ascendant, the house concentrations, the aspects all the true guardians of the mystery of personality and essence: but let's not get too serious now, after all I have to speak to an empty audience. In fact, my soul is quite shallow, if only because I feel like somewhat of a carcass, due to my own devices: and one must remember that the sky is always a sea. Whatever that meant to mean.

As I was saying, one becomes one sun sign - though, of course, the North Node is important. Or one doesn't. I think the Moon is always a counterpoint to the Sun, but not in a fundamental antagonism, only a dance. Anyways, I'd love to keep writing but I don't feel very serendipitous right now.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jews, Mexicans, and Blacks: What They Truly Are

I consider myself a mediocre anthropologer on the human race. Having understood that the sociologic membrane wraps all the way around the globe a thousand times over, I can conceive of nothing in terms of race actually existing beyond the discourse and discourse of bodies (you see I'm also a post-structuralist too), thus in a sense even Waldo is a Black Jewish Mexican.

For what do bloodlines even entail as if it were poured from some holy cup? Now the Christians, and I presume Jewish worshippers and Abrahamism in general maintains the mythic delusion of Creationism and its metaphysics underpinning the Garden of Eden. I most certainly have this archetype embedded in my unconscious, though I also have penises embedded inside my ass, my pussy, and my tits. It's a potent image though nonetheless and not even for Abrahamic cultures; I am sure there is an earthly paradise represented in evertyhing from Tibetan Buddhism to Wicca to Hinduism to Taoism - maybe even Confucianism too! - which, by the by, would involve billions of humans! So there is some sort of racist side effect in these visions because how could you possibly represent every ethnic type without destroying by expanding the nuclear family held by Adam and his Eve? Not that that doesn't sound kind of romantic, without the ideas of male sexual property- but I can't imagine anything more romantic than living in it amongst family and friends! Ah yes; the Garden of Eden was a KIBBUTZ! Everyone knows that a human is an innately social being. WE LIVED IN A GARDEN COMMUNE AND WORE FLOWERS ON OUR HEADS!

But about those Mexicans! Imagine being cut off from the rest of humanity because the Bering Sea melted or whatever the goose happened.... and in some cases FINDING real garden of Edens - at what point did their ancestral memory not forget that they came with a fresh memory of surviving in similar lands: the plains and rivers of Asia, the steppes out West and the Arabian deserts and Europe and Africa all the way to its hinterlands, and Southern and Southeastern Asia, everywhere in short... they came with a human civilizing mission; not so much militaristic like the Old World territories of power, but now with a strictly biological, which is to say human, mission, that of transforming the land in the mastery of humanity. What does a grape vine do but grow and then get smooshed to be drunk? HM? Well naturally the indigenous Amerindians originally assembled into a Bering caravan rent their ways and grew to inhabit different land whence diversity of communities and the seeking of certain green pastures.

Thus spread, the ancient seeds of Eurasia and Africa underwent transformation, in combination with their new lands. Mangoes and oowalla bears and the vast body of jungle created a whole new universe which sadly is being ripped apart this very moment, but only to remind us that we are all one in these dark times and oh, what beautiful civilizations! So many wise and artful understandings of the spirit and the soul and its trek, of Mother Earth and the way of her flowers and herbs; in short, there has been an immense gain for human "colonization" of the Americas. Yes, Europe became a cannibalist to many other lands, yes indeed, though I guess poor people were poor and desperate - is the average European a cruel beast? How can that be? For even Europe is not a fortress, though of course the World plays it like it is one.

Okay well I'm stoned and tired and want to go to bed. Merry Christmas my goodly souls, and happy holidays.

Monday, December 9, 2019

My Astral dream las nite

I had a visiondream last night depicting the process of astrological gravity thru these green cosmic rays, which ultimately displayed to me how the process either of a new planet would create (which doesn't make sense now that I think about it because who would create a planet out of nothing ex nihilo from pure nada poop) or some person's chart who had a stellium on one side of the chart and one prominent planet remote from them - THUS NEEDING to illustrate in my dream this particular planet's EXOTIC energy also illustrating the very COSMIC NODE PROCESS OF ASTROLOGY IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The planet and also the sign were intoned... attuned... intuned... WHATEVER implied to me as being URANUS and Aquarius. The vision was quite splendid I must say, very colorful and sort of plasmic but realistic at the same time. What I remember seeing was a green ray shooting from Earth out past various jumping-off stations (other planets) - since Uranus seems to be so far away, from a human perspect (which is what I am) indeed, you WOULD need some jumping off stations... and then all the way to Uranus, and from there the rays making a hyperspeed leap to the constellation Aquarius or its main star which had a sort of galactic-cerebrum sentient essence... a GODBEING (but I just saw that on Futurama the other day when Bender meets God who is just a giant galactic mind).

Anyways I interpret this as there being cosmic nodes upon which astrological gravity waves must travel in order to imbue the individual with its chi-power. Of course what I've gathered from astrology is that in order to explain it rationally, one says that the cosmic arrangement - the cosmos being a living system - is why astrology is a real facet of nature. What the rays must illustrate - and 'cosmic rays' are a very old theory in astrology - are the pathways which star energy travel and, apparently according to my dream since it began from earth, pathways which originate in both directions receiving and transmitting. And the planets and the ether and the spacevoid medium and so on are the nodal stations, electrically. But what is also plausible is that the constellations act like tectonic plates in the cosmos and thus they underlie our sun's body, shifting around and reorienting the "GEOLOGIC" dynamics.

Something like that. It was a fun dream. I probably dreamt of Uranus and Aquarius because I am obsessed with Aquarian element. I also once had a dream months ago where I saw Neptune and Uranus clear as pearls in the daytime sky. Great shit!

Friday, December 6, 2019

I just had a stoned thought

Ever wonder why people have such radically different experiences of God or the complete absence? Naturally one can presume so many determinations that might make them like that: astrology, upbringing, social environment, personal disposition, psychology, biology... but clearly anyone who is not a fandangling dingus takes a much more existential approach to being... that is, they believe in a soul. There are many different interpretations on the soul, some which are even atheist. The question then becomes WHAT is the soul, how BIG it is, it's nature, and from which SOURCE it ... manifests?

THOSE ARE THE REAL QUESTIONS COMRADES! At least if you're pantheistic like me; dang CHRISTIANS AND ABRAHAMISTS AND BUDDHISTS SCIELTNOLOTIGISTS! Their are of course pantheist strains in all of those religions, Scientology especially. Good old Alien Religions! Anyways yeah like... you know, the living body of God, or Godness - if you are into this kinda shit you should read up on Meister Eckhart at least, and other spiritualist theologians, New Age, Sufi, Radical Christian, Kabbalah, Henry Miller, Mick B. (new book out called 'Dreamwalker', very trippy), some of Zizek's work, Nietzsche if you're into autopsy, Hegel, Spinoza, blah blah, Lao Tzu, The Book of Changes... blah, blah. Those are good name drops though; the Godhead, the Godbody, the Soul, the Collective Being, The Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Christ consciousness, angels, demons, dimensional fluxes, astral bodies, Mount Meru. I once went to the Aquariuan Foundation for some sort of spiritual service. It was very trippy and totally about this stuff, very serious about their beliefs thinking this dude Reinhardt or someone was the latest incarnation of the Messiah-Bringer or whatever, like in the long line of buddhas christs prophets and saints issuing new message from God to Save this poor Human World offering Salvation, Pure Soul, Absolute Transcendence. Now I can dig it I just do not like to make allegiance to any religious authority and take on any contracts for my lollygagging soul. And that, I think, is what being part of any social thing all the way to shared ideology in terms of having religion when you have to be subject to the moral-philosophical standards of others even though they may be pure and right.

Anyways, blah blah blah. So the source emanates from one's subjectivity. Like a mound of dough, this is pliable to the touch and though the weight of Time and Idealized Essence weigh us down, we move in subtle stream along the dreamriver of our own making.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Individuality, Death, and Déjà Jew

This isn't exactly in the same vein as my .... no wait, it is, because my idea of astrophilosophy is thinking of ourselves as soul-beams traversing spacetime. So, there.

I've had a rough time of it lately, no doubt in part because of my declining health, not to mention such and such afflictions, blah blah blah. But I do have moments of insight which pertain to a new metaphysical ... HA, NICE TRY, me! Trying to establish new metaphysical foundations for an Astrological Age which wee won't even gain the chance to attempt (unless civilization has a good collapse)! HA! HA! Nonetheless, I still like sharing my thoughts because it is a rudimentary type of therapy.

The thing that strikes me is that, how odd it is to encounter another individual who is different from you, or who basically has an independent subjectivity from you. I find that really fascinating and sometimes maddening. To think that perhaps we all have a "normal" or a kind of stasis, and we also have our unique weirdness, meanwhile we are frequently engaging with others who have their own eccentricities; and once we encounter someone who, in astrological terms, has a completely different chart from our own, and we are somewhat unable to understand where the fuck they are coming from- it's rather interesting, especially when one seeks to find universal understanding between all and establish harmony without violence or strife; but perhaps harmony requires an underlying strife to keep from overharmonizing?

Anyways onto my next notes. I forget completely what I was thinking the other week, but I had made a connection between déjà vu and reincarnation. I like to think about the death experience a lot and how it funnels into reincarnation. I was thinking that the stereotypical 'life flashing before eyes' was a sort of mental devolving, the psychic involution, which occurred at a hyperaccelerated rate upon the point of death, a certain 'kernalization' of the psychic stream which has undergone so many stresses and so many strange dreams throughout the lifestream, and is now something to desperately regain hold of. This is explosive as much as it is a consolidation. And what comes afterwards, no one who is alive can probably truly know. But as I was thinking it possibly has some connection to déjà vu in the sense that in déjà vu moments one realizes the involution of their experience and their steady approach towards death. Of course déjà vu is generally associated with the dreamstate and a subconscious feeling of 'having already been seen' but within that queerest of epiphanies there lies a foretelling of the future, even if it is cloaked in the past, or vice versa; the sense of having lived all the moments and now all there is is the eternally sagging hag-tits of the Spider-Befogged Now.

- Pete PussypoPPER 97 00 SEX

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Astrological dissection of metaphysiology

Ah see what I did there? Metaphysics - physiology = .... metaphysiology. As I said, since after all astrophilosophy is a kind of metaphysical orientation to physiology, physics,dreamology, astronomy, etc., so therefore, we must dissect the metaphysikal causes of our earthly being.

Where in fact does the unconscious derive, and how is this more astrological than our conscious mind: this I don't know. However, one uses the birth chart, enmeshed within the Univseral Birth Clock of the current astrological chart, as a source of relative magnetism, towards this or that existential drive and locus of the psyche.

But enough diaLECTING let's get to more expErimental business.

One must assume the Moon as the focus of all physiological processes. The afflictions, the benefices, the modes neutral and mundane of the Moon's functioning under tutelage or dominance of the Sun- how the Moon, i.e. psychic body, is experiencing. One sees one's physical psyche in the image of the Moon.

One must establish the Moon's aspects, its complications, its fluorescence, before finding out how the astral fabric works upon you as a human being. (Of course there are other ways to establish your earthly being, astrology only being a more ethereal method among them). That is - if Neptune squares or opposes your Moon then you will have a good time in drugged-down haze seeing illusions aplenty and sorting through them for your psychic solidification.

More moon readings @ moonpretzelsystemdotorgyfcjklolnoncompliancetreatybrusselstanusa/

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to avoid creating essentialist conclusions which are pulled out of things called asses

I know we all do this here, and it's somewhat harmless actually, but if it becomes too ossified in our heads then we start assuming things about our essences which are not part of a more mature use of astrology. But like I said it's still fun and mostly harmless. You know how you say, 'such a LEO thing to do!' etc. when a person got up on the table and sang.

But this is how to deal with this and any other assumption about the different sign essences (and planets too of course) assuming a trait or behavior truly is more essential to that sign or element: ask whether or not for example using a wet humor as opposed to dry is more of a water sign style of humor is indeed true; Can fire, earth, or even air signs just as equally have this certain type of behavior too?? After all, aren't air positions good at a wry humor and Capricorns good at morbid humper and Leo's and Tauruses really good at dad humlor?

Another example can be examining the statement that Aquarians are, in general, more involved in fringe things, something that doesn't quite fit in with the current society, even if these same things are stocked with plenty of other people with different signs, Aquarians have the greatest proportion of being involved in these different activities (and this could manifest from being a UFO enthusiast to sticking cheetos in your butthole, though that sounds more like an Aries thing, and so on, you get it).

That actually seems pretty legitimate to me, in the case of Aquarius, and kind of does confirm a type of objective (whatever THAT iS) essence. But because astrology is a kind of science in the sense that it seeks to establish a knowledge of the world, to describe our reality, it's good to clean one's assumptions about what the signs and aspects are and to just observe and have these kinds of mental experiments, both for fun, learning, and to plot the annihiliation of your enemies!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Moon Jew

Anyways. I have this theory about certain characters. Honestly, the radical underground is made up of people who are generally considered hippies, punks, etc. Of course there is no homogenity among humanity and everyone's at different planes of consciousness, blah, blah blah. I find that there is a particular New Age outlook which believes in a certain eschatoloy in the sense of Judaism, Abrahanism.... but though it adopts a kind of Judeo-Christian outlook, it's basically pantheist. Moon Jews are just people who abide by lunar consciousness - drug users are good examples, but being a fulltime Moon Jew is a more serious way to spend the time. It is not intellectual inherently. It is a fabric of belief and attitude towards embodying pantheistic feeling. Simple as that!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Elemental ComBUsTiOn

THERE I was in the bar thinking about my dumb ass life, simmering on a White Claw (not yet officially sponsored) and another beer (Montucky Cold Snack, also not yet... shut up) , AND I THINK TO MYSELF: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU SHITHEAD? Well it's not my fault, says me, but I figure that at least I have my astrophilosophy, you cunt, overseer, cunt shit. Anyways so I figured there has to be a deeper identity beyond Sun sign clearly, and figured that one must 'calculate' the elements/substances combining in your soul womb - i.e. one must take one's Moon and Sun signs and figure out what they mean. Now of course there are 4 elements, 12 signs, and so 3 of each (3x4=12). Water and Fire; Air and Earth; but each sign is its own essence, in its family of elements: and once one figures this as a Sun-Moon pot, one can determine one's "subelemental" "goo" as I like to call it.
I.e. Libra Sun = Air + Water Moon = Somewhat rainsome cloudy psyche, i.e. the air sun which creates a wind/atmosphere centred ego-vessel, is undergirded by an emotional, osmotic internal psyche.... now, one can clearly see where I am proceeding with this, but does it matter? Most astrology is in the etherworld of people's minds, that is, it is as it should be, basically just an abstractual board of thought which doesn't have the capacity to involve you in TRUE experience which everyone craves for- it's just an ideology.
Nonetheless this is a fucking astrophilosophy blog so I have to provide fucking spellsheets for you to fucking figure out what you are in life and what the fuck your thinking is doing to your reality.. SO FUCKING STOP DOUBTING ME AND JUST HAVE FUN PLEASE!!!
Now alright, back to the equation. So Clearly I didn't indicate the Water sign specifically nor did I move on to the next step in figuring the essence of how the zodiac combines itself in each of us uniquely. So we can say that the Moon is in Cancer, which means we have Libra Sun, Cancer Moon. Each of the signs contain a style of how their element is expressed. Sagittarius for instance is the most 'fluid' fire signs (mutable), that is it creates fire differently from Aries and Leo. Et cetera. You understand.
So next we combine Cancer and Libra, and what do we get?
A particular flavor of tea - Libra being the 'coolest' of the air signs and Cancer being the 'coolest' of water. Something silvery blue crystal - like a Swiss lake? I DO NOT KNOW HAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Though of course no one or hardly anyone reads this, I understand either way, I should define my sense of ASTROPHILOSOPHY as though I imagine there might be some discrepancies to WHOMEVER comes on wandering in here.
You might think that astrophilosophy is just my term for a kind of theoretical astrology... which it is. But it is broader to me, it represents a certain spiritual space which is in the vein of hermeticism basically.
Astrophilosophy is thus the philosophy from space; while since I am a grandchild of the Space Age (as if it ever ended), I cannot say that this is not the geopolitical metaphysical inversion of a new detached subjectivity, but to me a space philosophy does indeed have roots in hermeticism, alchemy, and so on, which of course long precede the Space Age and mechanical spaceflight (i.e., the Industrial Revolution).
There are of course different levels, planes, abodes of existence, and though we are all members of society rooted in a cerebral biology inhabiting a physical body, one must of course never discount the power of subjectivity. After all, the body is itself subjective since it processes so-called reality differently according to its consitutition and physiology.

As you know the term chemistry comes from alchemy which derives from Arabic which derives from Greek, etc. and according to Wiktionary possibly Egyptian indicating "a mingling, infusion, juice, liquid, as extracted from gold" or just "juice, sap." Alchemy of course is an entire subject unto itself but in short for my purpose it inherently implies the 'mixing' of 'juices.' (Ha, ha ha, ha ha, HA HA.)
     Not to say this is supposed to be literal - but here we have the element of Water somehow being fundamentally involved. Of course, in Astrology water is the 'feeling' element, the 'alive' in its most visceral sense, and as you know water is supposed to be the source of life on Earth and possibly a good part of the Galaxy (of course that's a fucking idiotic assumption to make, but nonetheless it's the least assuming of idiotic assumptions), since it is a liquid and facilitating medium. So it clearly makes sense that alchemy and chemistry by extension has a significant liquid aspect to it.
Wait, but that wasn't my point, anyways. GOD DAMMIT. I get off on tangents. Oh well you fucksuckers anyways the fascinating thing about alchemy is that it proposes that matter is inherently imbued with spirit, i.e. Life. Because as I said Water is the feeling element, which life if anything is feeling (this is actually not the way scientists necessarily look at life, since they have other theories about self-replication and so on, don't ask me). It's also about Gold- or the Sun Principle.
Quite fascinating. Indeed.... but to what end is this at all fascinating, if not the idle fancy of some STUPID degenerate in BEaversnowhereland?
Oh, right, my original point.
Yeah, the alchemy of the biological presence.
Indeed, no matter how materialism tends to diminish the reality of the spiritual subject, one must always remember that each biological entity is fluid, since biology is a porous existence. One should stoop to the iguana's perspective and see that even this little fucker in the desert has eyes and ears and taste buds which lathers itself in a dry - but not completely dry - environment in order to ... what was I saying? HAHA WHO CARES I'M DYING

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Oh how wonderful to gaze upon the moon and always I am baffled that more people do not gaze upon the moon as the very special thing it is, a giant landscape floating in space. In a sense the moon is a gigantic spherical mountain in orbit around Earth, and though the only way to bridge it (on the material plane at least, my dear Charles) is by rocketing across a vast inhuman void, the idea that it constitutes an 'eighth continent' when one considers the earth-moon pair a single planetary system, to me at least, bears some truth.

Whichever way you choose to classify it, it is a fact that the moon is a landscape, one which too many people take for granted. I am sincerely amazed at how little people seem to regard the moon. I have tried various mental experiments which would help me perceive the moon with a more sublime experience, and though this experience of the sublime depends on concentration, it is a true joy to see the moon in all its glory: as a massive pearl circling our sky. I am actually quite frustrated that people do not see the absolute beauty in this. Of course everything can become consumed by banality, the most wonderful things being human has to offer, but this is not the moon's fault. And moreover the moon is not only a celestial mountain, but its perch in the cosmic atmosphere, with the waxing and waning in its monthly cycle, endows us with the impression that it is somehow alive, a divine being undergoing endless metamorphosis. There are crescent moons, full moons, day moons, early morning moons, Venus- or Jupiter- or Mars- or Saturn or Mercury-studded moons, blood moons, eclipse moons, dead moons, summer moons, spring moons, blue moons, and so on.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Oh my friendly water signs

Quite a strange world, eh? Funny how we astrologic folk color ourselves between four elements; of course there is so much bleeding between them all and there are really half a dozen more than four, but the elemental scheme is a powerful figure for our souls. I've come upon a drug-induced epiphany in the September blood of Autumn: we water signs are naturally sailors. Secondly, the very androgynous nature of water signs on the whole, and the non-masculine attributes of the sea -there are many exceptions of course- the point being that there is nothing inherently masculine about being a sailor - I even attended a bookreading briefly about women pirates and how, apparently (, the outlaw pirate community was receptive to women, though I find that somewhat hard to believe as I imagine rape was a basic practice of piracy in the 16th, 17th and whatever centuries.

But history is one thing and the current flux of the World Spirit is another: women are probably better seafarers than "men", because as I said, I think water signs (moon, sun, and any heavy placements) have a feminizing element which allows them the flexibility of traveling through Being and dealing with the waves of emotion and thought and space. This has nothing to do with sexuality or gender, though that is an interesting question, but it does have to do with the 'mode' of Water.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Essential Dignities

I was talking to someone recently, on Reddit, who said that the essential dignities could not be applied to the outer planets because they belong to modern astrology. Of course this is somewhat ridiculous, because a planet is a planet whether or not the ancients knew of them. In fact, they probably did, at least the astral beings who could see the universe as it was. This person did however introduce this new concept to me, the Thema Mundi (, WHICH As far as I can tell, is just a hypothetical birth chart for the solar system - I haven't read it yet, so I will need to edit this later -

But it just befuddles me as to why classical astrology finds the need to dismiss the outer planets which have clearly always been in the energy field, and have always exerted a power over the astrological being which humanity begets itself from. If one takes a holistic account of the world, then the realization comes that Uranus' discovery in 1781 officialized the expansion of human consciousness to previously unconscious realms. That is, the European Enlightenment was the flare for a wider and deeper penetration of humanity's collective consciousness into reality. As the discovery of Neptune and Pluto followed on the heels of Uranus' discovery in the next two centuries, humanity had undergone vast transformations in practically every field. But as I insist it is a mistake for traditional astrologers to negate this expansion as if it were quackery. Modern astrology is known for its flaky and charlatan character, but once the new planets revealed themselves, just as when humanity first observed the nearby planets (for one can witness Uranus with the naked eye only if they are a master astronomer, but not so Neptune & Pluto), they had to delineate their divine energies and codify their astrological meaning. And yet traditional astrology rejects this as a watering-down of the 'true' astrology. 

I do not care, though, if people utilize their preferred astrological method. But for those who give heed to the outer planets as astrological beings, as eternal as any other planet is,* these planets must be understood within the zodiac, meaning we can try to understand their essential dignities.

As the usual interpretation goes, Uranus is identified with Aquarius, Neptune is Pisces, and Pluto is Scorpio. This should not be taken at face value and they should be questioned. This new conceptuality, for one, gives these three signs two planetary rulers, one more than every other sign. But while I may be biased, there is certainly a depth to Scorpio, Pisces, and Aquarius more than others - and yet who is to say that Capricorn, or Gemini don't have a secret depth? Thus the systemization is potentially arbitrary.

Nonetheless, these planets occur in everybody's chart, and they must rejoice or cause ill in each according to their placement. If we take Uranus first, this planet is supposed to indicate revolution, eccentricity, spontaneity and disruption, and so we might say that it suits the impassioned and revolutionary signs the most. Aries might be comfortable here, Capricorn and Virgo not as much.

As for Neptune, astronomically named because of its intense blue color, it is a planet of illusion, drug-intoxication, egolessness, idealism and purity. One might imagine that Cancer finds some sort of comfort in this planet while Libra and Taurus fare well here too- the Venusian principle might be at home here... while Aries and... Virgo? find no contentment here.

Pluto is probably the most prickly of the planets, and so I really have nothing more to say except my stupid thoughts! Virgo might find some repose here, because they seek to analyze intensely, and Gemini might find neutrality; Pisces is weak here, along with Taurus; Aries loves it and Leo is glad for Pluto's challenge........ Libra becomes corrupted by it, Capricorn detests but respects it.... Sagittarius dreams of murdering it, and Aquarius considers Pluto a nuisance at best.


* Astronomically, the theory of the solar system was that the solar nebula (nebula= Latin for cloud, which only means the solar system was once made of a 'cloud' of gas and dust until it compressed into a gaseous proto-sun) produced its eight offspring - since Pluto is a dwarf planet - over a long gestation of time, the outer planets being last - but don't quote me on that, as my astrohistory is rusty

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Rambling about moon substance and such

was considering the moon essence of recent , the moonbody of the mind, oh yes, that's actually a quite precise way to phrase it, the moonbody of the mind, or the personhood rather, not the 'mind' because that invokes a though process, though the moon does reside in the mind, or it is at least centered within it, the natal moon DWELLS within principallyy the subconscious - and i emphasize subconscious rather than the unconscious because it is in the ground, the undermost parts of the consciousness, one may presume this is the moon's domain if not pluto did not have such a powerful influence on hidden, nether matters - and for that matter, all planets dwell under the conscious - no, that isnt quite right, as for now I do not know the exact natures of the distant planets.... one can take venus, mercury, and mars, and you can mostly see them not as unconcious entities seeping through unbeknowedly, for they manifest in clear, discernible behavior . But, nonetheless, these planets can become buried like anything else- in fact, it is possible that all planets the moon included can be fully illuminated and be made WHOLLY CONSCIOUIS! iT IS NOT In the nature of ANY of the planets to be sshut up in the uncoscious; this is the principle of self-realizat ion and enlightenment, THE ONLY PRINCIPLE WHICH TRULY MATTERS as self-realization is beeauty, love, and strength and confidence- your character coming to full maturity and your personality entirely full- your greatest potential. 
every waking moment your cup flows over, you are beautiful and you mayu have and feel many kinks, but you are already here, you are beautiful and you.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The synaesthesimythologicization of Spirits.

NOW SOME MAY SAY  THAT THAT'S TOO MUCH VERBIAGE -  BUT I DISAGREE- FOR, as all things are as they are, so too are the clanky, phlegm-ridden hairballs of certain tongues! Now the bloody thing is, min d my french, or don't - i don't care - just that, well, the very fabric of the human ideation - they are quite fanciful, but fancy wedded to WHom?

You see, all mythology has some "REALITY" kernel within it, despite the sterilizations of 21st century psychic closure etc. The reality of Nature is that it has a spirit and this is the unfortunate legacy of European-centred (I do not here condemn socalled western civilization here) industrial civilization, that it has debased this spirit and lifehood of so much possibility - but nature still lives under all our crazed socialized regimens, and there is a greater being who we are part of, for earth is our sacred garden. Now this may sound Christian to you, and forsooth the Christian spirit has infected this love of mother nature, and so too the witches have fetishized her to such an extent that she becomes thornsome taboo. But sweet Mother Earth flows upon and with all of us, giving love- all animals, plants, humanity, and the ever-writhing minds of this age. Even into the machines she or they creeps, recollecting for them the sweet home which all share. Does Universal consciousness only allow this? Does relativity reorient the grounds of absolutism?

I have no idea, in fact I got distracted from my original trajectory. Whatever, cause I got enough on my GOD DAMN PLATE LIKE A PLATYPUS EGG ON MY SOMBRERO

Exactly. And that's why genies are made out of saint's ashes and demon snuff.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Adjectivization of the Planets.

Solar, helial, sunny,
Mercurial, tempestuous, mercantile
venusian, venereal, venician
Earthly, terrestrial, mundane, worldly, sublunar
Lunar, selenic, moonish, money, lunatical
Martian, martial
Jovian, jovial, Dios
Saturnalian, chronic (Kronos)
Uranian, hyper-Jovian, uranium, eccentrical, Promethean
Neptunian, Dionysian, oceanic, Orpheic, oneiromanic
Plutonian, Persephonian, netherly

Now of course, astrology is a very subjective craft at times, and the strange thing is that Western (also known as Hellenistic) astrology is deeply immersed in the conceptual realm of Greek myth. Though this is so, astrology has never intended to be a science, in the modern sense of it. Astrology is actually rooted in the divine, the aetherial realm which does not have a material existence and only the effervescence of spirit.

This is why division between well-practiced schools are arbitrary and more or less false. This meaning, too, that the Modern school, which is now in the hands of millenials and such, despite its vulgarity and flaws, belongs to a cosmic understanding based in an inherently subjective accounting of the stars and signs. There certainly is no science, but only the light we draw from the stars, which are true bodies in the great universe. As far as a divinatory science is concerned this is all that is needed. The Zodiac remains, as it has, an astronomical band which saddles the actual sky. The planets, which all traverse through it - since they are our sister planets, despite earthly limitations - remain beckoning islands of light to the miserable creatures of earth.

The Planetary distillings

As someone who has adopted the Moon as my mother planet, I have definitely neglected the very feasible fact of the other planets energies, above and beyond those of the sun or moon. For in astrology, as in any cosmically-connected ritual rite mentality, the diamond stars are each gods unto themselves, spirits in our great ecalogo-cosmik sea which we call this earth. Forsooth, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and even old Pluto - all lights that come into our souls. But what is light, is it mere photons reflecting into the pupils or some electromagnetic vibration flowing upon actual space? Who gives a shit. The fact that blue, black, white, red, brown, yellow, purple, green and rose exist is enough for me. One must remember that each planet has a certain domain, a certain discharge, a certain gravity upon which we attempt to facilitate, as toiling mortals. Yet we are not the planets servants. What am I talking about again?
I need a drink.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Astrology as Religion

Though I lay deep in my underground ivory tower, I know that astrology is slighted as a religion. In a sense these skeptics are right. Astrology has the same amount of membership as many religions do which unite people in a shared worldview. But of course astrology is more than religion (and no, I'm not trying to start a cult, so stop asking). Atheism and astrology are not incompatible. There is an equal balance between the stars and planets wandering our sky and the infintisemal atoms ricocheting in all space...

Even today we 'westerners' tend to summon, above all others, the main monotheisms to mind when we think of Religion. Even though Buddhism is indeed a major religion, and, well, I really haven't studied much about Hinduism (isn't it just a kind of polytheist monotheism???), and despite a kind of New age paganist/pantheist resurgence - nonetheless the Christian element dominates religious thinking, even amongst astrology adherents.

I came upon an interesting realization today considering the most powerful pull Christianity &c. present to us, wielding a fatal spell over our minds: basically, apocalyptic vision - which would in modern psychological parlance be labeled wingnut at best and schizo at worst. Though of course humanly manufactured apocalypse is a definite, and these days, an increasingly inevitable thing.

Forgive me for rambling again.

There is nothing normal or abnormal about apocalyptic vision - or is there? Is there a historical situation which makes millenarial apocalypism more corrosive within the collective psyche? This was my thought, because the Book of Revelations, our Western prototype of apocalpyticism , as far as I know, was written during a decadent Roman imperial rule which bespoke not just of the more coming to power solstice of Christianity, but the absolute morbidity of a hopelessly decadent civilization. And so, given the social position of Christianity (and also the lowest classes which filled its ranks, thanks Nietzsche), the metaphysics of cultural and social disintegration were completely fused with the metaphysics of cosmological eschatology (that is, the disintegration of the Empire became an archetypal situation for a mythical Final Hour).

I apologize for this digression, but the point - WHICH, I ASK MYSELF?? - the cybernetics of metaphysics in the fabric of history?? Religious minds kill slowly and poison the water. I suppose I am to blame for being a communist too... but humanity is not my creation! Thank you for being absurd and joyous with me.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Moon soil

The moon forms a principal element of any astrological chart. Not only is it a great luminary, but the moon always signifies the psychic side of the self.

The moon unlike the sun is a corporeal body - it is not made of energy and gas - its sheath and shine provide the only natural nighttime light, though it appears dead. This is the moon's conundrum - a living incarnation of the 'undead' - the werewolf is a grotesqueity of undistilled moon energy. Something made of light and yet of a dead, dusty source- a paradox is what the moon remains!

But I digress. One's moon is not as romantic as all that. The moon is indeed barren, but it is full of so much untapped light. All moon signs will languish within the glare of reality, though maybe not the most well-positioned... moons trining suns probably relegate either extreme understanding easy-goingness or terminal lackadaisicalness.

The point of this post is not to focus precisely upon aspects beseeching or reflecting the moon, but the personal, psychologic condition of the moon reflecting your internal sunlight, which has to some degree or another traversed the land of the unliving, of incandescent white light.

The Moon in each sign signifies the field of self-feeling, for only in sunlight's naked night can we express ourselves. It is the field of blooming, of ripening, of potentiality blossoming in the naked, foolish, sometimes deadly meadow of osmosis.

Astronomically the moon is rock, dust, moonlight, and ice.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Cosmic Flux

As one looks into the history and diversity of astrological interpretation, one might be surprised to realize an unsteady foundation at the very premise of astrology, and its claim to divination. If the ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean civilizations developed the whole host of symbols and archetypes of the zodiac and planetary interpretations which we use even today- inheriting something which speaks of a superstitious, paganistic, mythic world - we still do not recognize them in our own astrology. Evolution of the zodiac and knowledge of its history entails that we do not believe in the same things, introducing relativity into the core of our belief. The very fabric which the zodiac is weaved with thus unravels and comes undone, leading even sincere believers to say astrology is hoky at best.

There is only the slight possibility that astrology might be false, a genuinely pseudoscientific philosophy and spiritual ignorance, but that small doubt is enough to question one's purpose and invite another scourge of subtle anxiety from this Pandora Box's world. The zodiac then appears like the arbitrary super-imposing of constellation stars that they are in the actual heavens (insofar as astrology is still concerned with the real, visible heavens!)- human illusion and cultural legacies weighing down a true vision of our relationship to the stars. The truth is not enshrined upon the throne of science even though much of its observations prove to be the only true way to know the world. For science as it is upheld as the hegemonic ideology in our society lacks a great many traits which would make it a holistic and truth-bearing philosophy. The totality of scientific activity produces in essence an absence of freedom in thought, a petrification of the Athenic psyche, due to its subordination to an unfree society- science amongst a city of slaves. The Aristotelian ivory tower, despite the sincere curiosity and efforts of many true scientists, is sheltered in a laboratory like a domesticated bird in a world of muddied beasts striving below.

Astrology, nonetheless, suffers from a similar ivy tower self-imprisonment. The ideas which revolve in its ideological constellation are contradictory and flaky, an incoherence that has more to do with its emaciation than the nature of astrological divination and astromancy. For the very nature of all celestial bodies which beget the supernatural energy emitted through astrology are themselves not static entities. If one is to take it to its most idealized conclusion, astrology would in fact proclaim the reign of celestial deities. But even the more pantheistic or materialistic perspectives informing people's beliefs of astrology clearly indicate a divine energy flow and not a solidification of even the most solid bodies as the moon- in short astrology is even a science which depends more on interpreting than being a thing which is interpreted. Science itself must depend upon this epistemological stance, not in order to maintain a postmodernist relativity but to admit and embrace the constancy of universal flux.

There is astrology and there is its practice; and there are many types of astrology, some of them clearer than others, some of them anchored within a discovery unfolding within actual observation- there is a great many mistakes one can make in judging the stars, but making a mistake is not one of them. There are many ways which starlight refracts and illuminates our consciousness.