Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Astrological dissection of metaphysiology

Ah see what I did there? Metaphysics - physiology = .... metaphysiology. As I said, since after all astrophilosophy is a kind of metaphysical orientation to physiology, physics,dreamology, astronomy, etc., so therefore, we must dissect the metaphysikal causes of our earthly being.

Where in fact does the unconscious derive, and how is this more astrological than our conscious mind: this I don't know. However, one uses the birth chart, enmeshed within the Univseral Birth Clock of the current astrological chart, as a source of relative magnetism, towards this or that existential drive and locus of the psyche.

But enough diaLECTING let's get to more expErimental business.

One must assume the Moon as the focus of all physiological processes. The afflictions, the benefices, the modes neutral and mundane of the Moon's functioning under tutelage or dominance of the Sun- how the Moon, i.e. psychic body, is experiencing. One sees one's physical psyche in the image of the Moon.

One must establish the Moon's aspects, its complications, its fluorescence, before finding out how the astral fabric works upon you as a human being. (Of course there are other ways to establish your earthly being, astrology only being a more ethereal method among them). That is - if Neptune squares or opposes your Moon then you will have a good time in drugged-down haze seeing illusions aplenty and sorting through them for your psychic solidification.

More moon readings @ moonpretzelsystemdotorgyfcjklolnoncompliancetreatybrusselstanusa/karmasutra.org

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