Friday, December 6, 2019

I just had a stoned thought

Ever wonder why people have such radically different experiences of God or the complete absence? Naturally one can presume so many determinations that might make them like that: astrology, upbringing, social environment, personal disposition, psychology, biology... but clearly anyone who is not a fandangling dingus takes a much more existential approach to being... that is, they believe in a soul. There are many different interpretations on the soul, some which are even atheist. The question then becomes WHAT is the soul, how BIG it is, it's nature, and from which SOURCE it ... manifests?

THOSE ARE THE REAL QUESTIONS COMRADES! At least if you're pantheistic like me; dang CHRISTIANS AND ABRAHAMISTS AND BUDDHISTS SCIELTNOLOTIGISTS! Their are of course pantheist strains in all of those religions, Scientology especially. Good old Alien Religions! Anyways yeah like... you know, the living body of God, or Godness - if you are into this kinda shit you should read up on Meister Eckhart at least, and other spiritualist theologians, New Age, Sufi, Radical Christian, Kabbalah, Henry Miller, Mick B. (new book out called 'Dreamwalker', very trippy), some of Zizek's work, Nietzsche if you're into autopsy, Hegel, Spinoza, blah blah, Lao Tzu, The Book of Changes... blah, blah. Those are good name drops though; the Godhead, the Godbody, the Soul, the Collective Being, The Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Christ consciousness, angels, demons, dimensional fluxes, astral bodies, Mount Meru. I once went to the Aquariuan Foundation for some sort of spiritual service. It was very trippy and totally about this stuff, very serious about their beliefs thinking this dude Reinhardt or someone was the latest incarnation of the Messiah-Bringer or whatever, like in the long line of buddhas christs prophets and saints issuing new message from God to Save this poor Human World offering Salvation, Pure Soul, Absolute Transcendence. Now I can dig it I just do not like to make allegiance to any religious authority and take on any contracts for my lollygagging soul. And that, I think, is what being part of any social thing all the way to shared ideology in terms of having religion when you have to be subject to the moral-philosophical standards of others even though they may be pure and right.

Anyways, blah blah blah. So the source emanates from one's subjectivity. Like a mound of dough, this is pliable to the touch and though the weight of Time and Idealized Essence weigh us down, we move in subtle stream along the dreamriver of our own making.

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