Monday, July 15, 2019

Moon soil

The moon forms a principal element of any astrological chart. Not only is it a great luminary, but the moon always signifies the psychic side of the self.

The moon unlike the sun is a corporeal body - it is not made of energy and gas - its sheath and shine provide the only natural nighttime light, though it appears dead. This is the moon's conundrum - a living incarnation of the 'undead' - the werewolf is a grotesqueity of undistilled moon energy. Something made of light and yet of a dead, dusty source- a paradox is what the moon remains!

But I digress. One's moon is not as romantic as all that. The moon is indeed barren, but it is full of so much untapped light. All moon signs will languish within the glare of reality, though maybe not the most well-positioned... moons trining suns probably relegate either extreme understanding easy-goingness or terminal lackadaisicalness.

The point of this post is not to focus precisely upon aspects beseeching or reflecting the moon, but the personal, psychologic condition of the moon reflecting your internal sunlight, which has to some degree or another traversed the land of the unliving, of incandescent white light.

The Moon in each sign signifies the field of self-feeling, for only in sunlight's naked night can we express ourselves. It is the field of blooming, of ripening, of potentiality blossoming in the naked, foolish, sometimes deadly meadow of osmosis.

Astronomically the moon is rock, dust, moonlight, and ice.

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