Monday, December 9, 2019

My Astral dream las nite

I had a visiondream last night depicting the process of astrological gravity thru these green cosmic rays, which ultimately displayed to me how the process either of a new planet would create (which doesn't make sense now that I think about it because who would create a planet out of nothing ex nihilo from pure nada poop) or some person's chart who had a stellium on one side of the chart and one prominent planet remote from them - THUS NEEDING to illustrate in my dream this particular planet's EXOTIC energy also illustrating the very COSMIC NODE PROCESS OF ASTROLOGY IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The planet and also the sign were intoned... attuned... intuned... WHATEVER implied to me as being URANUS and Aquarius. The vision was quite splendid I must say, very colorful and sort of plasmic but realistic at the same time. What I remember seeing was a green ray shooting from Earth out past various jumping-off stations (other planets) - since Uranus seems to be so far away, from a human perspect (which is what I am) indeed, you WOULD need some jumping off stations... and then all the way to Uranus, and from there the rays making a hyperspeed leap to the constellation Aquarius or its main star which had a sort of galactic-cerebrum sentient essence... a GODBEING (but I just saw that on Futurama the other day when Bender meets God who is just a giant galactic mind).

Anyways I interpret this as there being cosmic nodes upon which astrological gravity waves must travel in order to imbue the individual with its chi-power. Of course what I've gathered from astrology is that in order to explain it rationally, one says that the cosmic arrangement - the cosmos being a living system - is why astrology is a real facet of nature. What the rays must illustrate - and 'cosmic rays' are a very old theory in astrology - are the pathways which star energy travel and, apparently according to my dream since it began from earth, pathways which originate in both directions receiving and transmitting. And the planets and the ether and the spacevoid medium and so on are the nodal stations, electrically. But what is also plausible is that the constellations act like tectonic plates in the cosmos and thus they underlie our sun's body, shifting around and reorienting the "GEOLOGIC" dynamics.

Something like that. It was a fun dream. I probably dreamt of Uranus and Aquarius because I am obsessed with Aquarian element. I also once had a dream months ago where I saw Neptune and Uranus clear as pearls in the daytime sky. Great shit!

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