Saturday, July 27, 2019

Adjectivization of the Planets.

Solar, helial, sunny,
Mercurial, tempestuous, mercantile
venusian, venereal, venician
Earthly, terrestrial, mundane, worldly, sublunar
Lunar, selenic, moonish, money, lunatical
Martian, martial
Jovian, jovial, Dios
Saturnalian, chronic (Kronos)
Uranian, hyper-Jovian, uranium, eccentrical, Promethean
Neptunian, Dionysian, oceanic, Orpheic, oneiromanic
Plutonian, Persephonian, netherly

Now of course, astrology is a very subjective craft at times, and the strange thing is that Western (also known as Hellenistic) astrology is deeply immersed in the conceptual realm of Greek myth. Though this is so, astrology has never intended to be a science, in the modern sense of it. Astrology is actually rooted in the divine, the aetherial realm which does not have a material existence and only the effervescence of spirit.

This is why division between well-practiced schools are arbitrary and more or less false. This meaning, too, that the Modern school, which is now in the hands of millenials and such, despite its vulgarity and flaws, belongs to a cosmic understanding based in an inherently subjective accounting of the stars and signs. There certainly is no science, but only the light we draw from the stars, which are true bodies in the great universe. As far as a divinatory science is concerned this is all that is needed. The Zodiac remains, as it has, an astronomical band which saddles the actual sky. The planets, which all traverse through it - since they are our sister planets, despite earthly limitations - remain beckoning islands of light to the miserable creatures of earth.

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