Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Oh my friendly water signs

Quite a strange world, eh? Funny how we astrologic folk color ourselves between four elements; of course there is so much bleeding between them all and there are really half a dozen more than four, but the elemental scheme is a powerful figure for our souls. I've come upon a drug-induced epiphany in the September blood of Autumn: we water signs are naturally sailors. Secondly, the very androgynous nature of water signs on the whole, and the non-masculine attributes of the sea -there are many exceptions of course- the point being that there is nothing inherently masculine about being a sailor - I even attended a bookreading briefly about women pirates and how, apparently (https://www.amazon.com/Pirate-Women-Princesses-Prostitutes-Privateers/dp/1613736010), the outlaw pirate community was receptive to women, though I find that somewhat hard to believe as I imagine rape was a basic practice of piracy in the 16th, 17th and whatever centuries.

But history is one thing and the current flux of the World Spirit is another: women are probably better seafarers than "men", because as I said, I think water signs (moon, sun, and any heavy placements) have a feminizing element which allows them the flexibility of traveling through Being and dealing with the waves of emotion and thought and space. This has nothing to do with sexuality or gender, though that is an interesting question, but it does have to do with the 'mode' of Water.

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