Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Planetary distillings

As someone who has adopted the Moon as my mother planet, I have definitely neglected the very feasible fact of the other planets energies, above and beyond those of the sun or moon. For in astrology, as in any cosmically-connected ritual rite mentality, the diamond stars are each gods unto themselves, spirits in our great ecalogo-cosmik sea which we call this earth. Forsooth, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and even old Pluto - all lights that come into our souls. But what is light, is it mere photons reflecting into the pupils or some electromagnetic vibration flowing upon actual space? Who gives a shit. The fact that blue, black, white, red, brown, yellow, purple, green and rose exist is enough for me. One must remember that each planet has a certain domain, a certain discharge, a certain gravity upon which we attempt to facilitate, as toiling mortals. Yet we are not the planets servants. What am I talking about again?
I need a drink.

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