Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to avoid creating essentialist conclusions which are pulled out of things called asses

I know we all do this here, and it's somewhat harmless actually, but if it becomes too ossified in our heads then we start assuming things about our essences which are not part of a more mature use of astrology. But like I said it's still fun and mostly harmless. You know how you say, 'such a LEO thing to do!' etc. when a person got up on the table and sang.

But this is how to deal with this and any other assumption about the different sign essences (and planets too of course) assuming a trait or behavior truly is more essential to that sign or element: ask whether or not for example using a wet humor as opposed to dry is more of a water sign style of humor is indeed true; Can fire, earth, or even air signs just as equally have this certain type of behavior too?? After all, aren't air positions good at a wry humor and Capricorns good at morbid humper and Leo's and Tauruses really good at dad humlor?

Another example can be examining the statement that Aquarians are, in general, more involved in fringe things, something that doesn't quite fit in with the current society, even if these same things are stocked with plenty of other people with different signs, Aquarians have the greatest proportion of being involved in these different activities (and this could manifest from being a UFO enthusiast to sticking cheetos in your butthole, though that sounds more like an Aries thing, and so on, you get it).

That actually seems pretty legitimate to me, in the case of Aquarius, and kind of does confirm a type of objective (whatever THAT iS) essence. But because astrology is a kind of science in the sense that it seeks to establish a knowledge of the world, to describe our reality, it's good to clean one's assumptions about what the signs and aspects are and to just observe and have these kinds of mental experiments, both for fun, learning, and to plot the annihiliation of your enemies!

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