Sunday, September 1, 2019

Rambling about moon substance and such

was considering the moon essence of recent , the moonbody of the mind, oh yes, that's actually a quite precise way to phrase it, the moonbody of the mind, or the personhood rather, not the 'mind' because that invokes a though process, though the moon does reside in the mind, or it is at least centered within it, the natal moon DWELLS within principallyy the subconscious - and i emphasize subconscious rather than the unconscious because it is in the ground, the undermost parts of the consciousness, one may presume this is the moon's domain if not pluto did not have such a powerful influence on hidden, nether matters - and for that matter, all planets dwell under the conscious - no, that isnt quite right, as for now I do not know the exact natures of the distant planets.... one can take venus, mercury, and mars, and you can mostly see them not as unconcious entities seeping through unbeknowedly, for they manifest in clear, discernible behavior . But, nonetheless, these planets can become buried like anything else- in fact, it is possible that all planets the moon included can be fully illuminated and be made WHOLLY CONSCIOUIS! iT IS NOT In the nature of ANY of the planets to be sshut up in the uncoscious; this is the principle of self-realizat ion and enlightenment, THE ONLY PRINCIPLE WHICH TRULY MATTERS as self-realization is beeauty, love, and strength and confidence- your character coming to full maturity and your personality entirely full- your greatest potential. 
every waking moment your cup flows over, you are beautiful and you mayu have and feel many kinks, but you are already here, you are beautiful and you.

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