Saturday, February 8, 2020

Sci-fi explanation of the Zodiac

From what I've read up on I don't know what the natural explanation for the different signs meanings are, I think I have heard that they reflect a Northern latitude seasonal cycle, but of course we have most likely piled on plenty of additional meanings over the years, whether or not this natural explanation is even valid in the first place.
A planet is aligned with a sign - and the signs are not the zodiac constellations exactly, but their domains - and thus becomes imbued with that energy. Moreover every planet fares better or worse in its given sign, whether in detriment or fall or exaltation, or neutrality. Why this is is another topic, the only point I'm suggesting is that the zodiac communicates a particular meaning to each planet. But why is this? Aside from any physical explanation based on the earth's orientation at different points in its orbit around the sun, which sounds pretty reasonable, another more esoteric theory might say that these stars in the twelve spheres of the sky are abodes of a particular divine energy. One could see in this the traditional belief that these divine spheres are the abodes of gods, like Zeus or Shiva. These are archetypes as far as I know, but if you can think of it even more literally, then the zodiac signs might just be homes of different versions of humanity.
Had we experienced a different cosmic evolution, in which each planet in the solar system were equally habitable and equally evolved from the same evolutionary tree, the planets would nonetheless have their own unique cultures just as one can see in the different cultures on earth. Thus the Martians are martial, the Plutoites plutonian, etc.
In fact, this is essentially the premise for the planets in astrology, though on a purely metaphorical level. But it seems reasonable to ascribe the same mechanism at work in the zodiac, which after all each contain their own solar systems, and which after all might contain other civilizations as far as we know. There really should be no reason to deny the possibility of even humanoid (i.e. similiarly intellectually and physically structured, whether they have five different sexes or three eyes or fur or gills or whatever) civilizations in each quarter of the sky, thus the transmutation of astral, spiritual energy. As Dr. Pretelcunt once said, the transmission within the electromagnetic structure of light from the stars within the galaxy possibly have that sphere's chunk of Being inscribed within it, thus bringing space-monkies astral souls onto our starlight.
Indeed, there is no reason to think that starlight does not send different types of mind rays and affect earth consciusness, swishing around the different batters of goop which make up our heads. For if a star hosts alien life or not certainly reflects the kind of chemical goop it can emit. This I reason based on my interpretation of the Nebular Hypothesis (by Laplace or Kant) which is that any cosmic blob of which solar systems are made of functions as an organism and thus has a particular "vital" dynamic and nature to it which means its own particular dna genetic stamp. This is the exact same process which happens all throughout nature on the whole: each rock and mineral entity has its own chemical and physical makeup.
That's my interpretation. And this would mean that, any of these possible worlds would have earth and our earth culture as its own zodiacal essence.

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