Friday, February 14, 2020

Reminder that the Full Moon still exists

Skeptics often dismiss any influence of the moon, especially the full moon - and in some sense they're right, because the moon is not always pregnant, the uterus of the moon is hollow, no more room for make baby, no more goo inside her, no more sex seed plant and make abortion - the moon is just a cold dead rock floating in the fucking sky, which is nothing to be alarmed about at all, it's not like it can't suddenly fall down onto us - our gravity wall keeps it from doing that, but nonetheless the moon is intimidating sometimes.
In prehistory, the moon in fact constituted a major element in the evolution of life on earth, considering, as it was, the only source of light at night, aside from the occasional forest fire. The biorhythms of the night were regulated significantly by the lunar light and, perhaps, even its face and physical presence. Life would not have developed as it has had the moon never existed. The silver luminary brought a different consciousness which bestowed night with its own life, reflecting the sun but in its own way. 
So the moon became ingrained into the animal and plant spheres of life and coevolved with it. It is essentially ingrained into the DNA, in the same but more minimal sense that we can say that earth life is innately solar. Of course, skeptics will find this idea dubious, yet it's not entirely unfeasible to claim that in each terrestrial species there is a microcosm which reflects the macrocosm of which it has sprung out from- which is the very theory of evolution, that species develop and grow with and within their environment and embody it.
But, of course, it does appear rather tenuous to presume that the moon - a distant rock disconnected by space, makes a concrete impact on the consciousness of earth life, beyond humans, though when one considers the physical dynamic in the Earth-moon system, how the moon has contributed to the particular structure that gives us the seasons and so on, such a claim is an a priori reality and it then seems farfetched to argue the opposite - as though a mother had only a secondary relation to the unborn child she has carried. Indeed, the moon is primally included within the terrestrial experience.

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