Saturday, February 8, 2020


Yep, because I can, I will, and well, I see no reason not too- unfortunately, I need it to comfort me so there is that, but at the same time the very comforting aspect of the idea makes it worth thinking, whether or not it's true. I honestly have no time for haters or truth zealots anymore, and to be honest I think that it's unwise to pull the rug out from under someone, especially someone who has mental health problems.

I was just reading the wiki page on neutrinos - and the first sentence stating the neutrino is a "fermion (an elementary particle with a spin of .5) that only interacts via the weak subatomic force and gravity"- spurred a thought.... that, despite my complete surface skimming over the whole field of physics, and what atomic theory is all about (I actually respect physicists quite a bit, but not physics necessarilly), I find a thought I had very interesting.
Basically, the microscopic/scientific movement of humanity mirrors a kind of neurosis, which, despite the many and indeed wonderful boons of science, also reflects the failure of humanity as such. Think of it like this, while the Scientist analyzes the microscopic fabric of existence, of "1/2 spinning fermioid neutrinos" (which by the way are only interacts via the weak subatomic gravity, I might add, in case you didnt know) - which again I admit I have no idea what this entails in practice or theory - of the fabrizios and microcosms of anal, and so on, one can see the Neurotic worrying over the small details, allowing that small thing - which has no place in the spiritual level - to determine the entire edifice of one's perception, a classic forest for the trees dilemma.
Now, my point is neither that science is the devil's work or that materialism is false - but you must factor intention and perspective into the combustion of how things unravel, how, indeed, human consciousness unravels. The complicity of science (and also, religion, spirituality, hoodoo, every aspect of human activity, in fact) in capitalism is beyond a doubt- the very creation of experience, social and phenomenological, thus, is dictated by how society interacts with itself.
Does the neurotic element within science mean that its reading into reality is false? No, of course not. I'm not that bold to make that kind of claim. But one questions whether or not the tendency determines the outcome- thus, because we need to tend and succor our neuroses - the enlightenment was a renaissance for Nerds (sorry for using that derogatory term), a new, not-Christian worldview - we have created a collective Idea to deal with this new space of human (cosmic) consciousness..
Whatever. I dunno. Eat your greens, drink, lick some dick.

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