Monday, February 17, 2020


the moon doesnt exist, EXACTLY... 
but the moon within the MICROPHYSICAL, THE MYCROPHYSICAL! Indeed! No, you see that the brainloaf is very much the moon whilest your thoughts running along it is the little moon people traversing the moonblossomed landscape, romping along; tunneling through - getting delUGED in booze or dmt or lsd or tv or SEX - sizzling in the cerebreal atmosphere ... cityscapes of the micro-mental. 

So then, seeing that we have visualized our moon, and can see it as a smurf hive of our mind, we can also now re-consider the astrological practice of adopting the lunar mark of your particular sign; if one is a Cancer, then they might visualize a great moon-sea, and the great beast of the crab, an humongous crab or a pet little one, the crab which is itself an entire island and the occupants of that island are even ignorant, whichever you prefer; now, if we have a Libra moon we might visualize the moon itself as double, or somehow pendular, perhaps presided over by the Goddess of Justice, and all things just... the devil if I know, one must simply adopt their preferred symbolism, their archetype, their particular sacred mandala; each lunar sign has a mode and so on. What have you, the moon-centre is a house for the moon spirit which means, pure luminous moon light, similar to the 'expecto patronum' from Harry Potter. 
Though in reality, while these are good mandalas to envisualize in order to solidify your lunar practice, one can only get lost in the auroric fantasy of their imagination. In practice, the lunar essence operates more like a magnet, and each zodiac sign will give it a certain wavelength, though things can also get lost in the moon mire of the collective unconscious; it represents itself in many personal flairs, but for instance, fashion style is conducted by Venus & 5th house.

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