Saturday, February 29, 2020

More notes on lunar bodies

 I call it the moon vibrations or the moon field, moon magnet, moon pulsation, lunar electromagnetism, so on and so on, all indicating that everyone carries and emits and transfers to others' moonbodies*- it seems similar to the astral body but instead intrinsically invested into the material body... for it seems reasonable to presuppose that a magnetic force operates within and between people's bodies and their psychologies, that differing elements (the signs) combine in different combinations, conduct different attractions, and generate different repulsions etc - astrology only providing the hermetic interpretation for this sub- but not unconscious process. It is a means of envisualizing a luminous/transcendant body.

One can experience the subconscious organs accompanying the conscious half of experience, and open up the esoteric doorways through the signs as glyphs to the spiritual realm. It is also a thought experiment in the skull lab.

* Assuming a solar body isn't, at least not yet, a conceivable thing (it's probably present in religious philosophies but I'm completely ignorant of them) - a lunar body is just more easily conceivable, the moon being a concrete material body, the sun for its part a plasmic blob - Madam Selene is an astral skeletoid...!!!

Monday, February 17, 2020


the moon doesnt exist, EXACTLY... 
but the moon within the MICROPHYSICAL, THE MYCROPHYSICAL! Indeed! No, you see that the brainloaf is very much the moon whilest your thoughts running along it is the little moon people traversing the moonblossomed landscape, romping along; tunneling through - getting delUGED in booze or dmt or lsd or tv or SEX - sizzling in the cerebreal atmosphere ... cityscapes of the micro-mental. 

So then, seeing that we have visualized our moon, and can see it as a smurf hive of our mind, we can also now re-consider the astrological practice of adopting the lunar mark of your particular sign; if one is a Cancer, then they might visualize a great moon-sea, and the great beast of the crab, an humongous crab or a pet little one, the crab which is itself an entire island and the occupants of that island are even ignorant, whichever you prefer; now, if we have a Libra moon we might visualize the moon itself as double, or somehow pendular, perhaps presided over by the Goddess of Justice, and all things just... the devil if I know, one must simply adopt their preferred symbolism, their archetype, their particular sacred mandala; each lunar sign has a mode and so on. What have you, the moon-centre is a house for the moon spirit which means, pure luminous moon light, similar to the 'expecto patronum' from Harry Potter. 
Though in reality, while these are good mandalas to envisualize in order to solidify your lunar practice, one can only get lost in the auroric fantasy of their imagination. In practice, the lunar essence operates more like a magnet, and each zodiac sign will give it a certain wavelength, though things can also get lost in the moon mire of the collective unconscious; it represents itself in many personal flairs, but for instance, fashion style is conducted by Venus & 5th house.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Sup my babes

Inventing a new word*: Astrosophy, aka 'star wisdom': astronomers can now take the word astrology back into their own: economy and ecology, for instance, mean different things but generally ... nomy means law, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, logy of course science;

*Neologisms start through the currency of the new word gaining traction, doesn't matter if it's self conscious or not. That's why a quackadoodle is the same thing as a morning duck doodle. Duh

Reminder that the Full Moon still exists

Skeptics often dismiss any influence of the moon, especially the full moon - and in some sense they're right, because the moon is not always pregnant, the uterus of the moon is hollow, no more room for make baby, no more goo inside her, no more sex seed plant and make abortion - the moon is just a cold dead rock floating in the fucking sky, which is nothing to be alarmed about at all, it's not like it can't suddenly fall down onto us - our gravity wall keeps it from doing that, but nonetheless the moon is intimidating sometimes.
In prehistory, the moon in fact constituted a major element in the evolution of life on earth, considering, as it was, the only source of light at night, aside from the occasional forest fire. The biorhythms of the night were regulated significantly by the lunar light and, perhaps, even its face and physical presence. Life would not have developed as it has had the moon never existed. The silver luminary brought a different consciousness which bestowed night with its own life, reflecting the sun but in its own way. 
So the moon became ingrained into the animal and plant spheres of life and coevolved with it. It is essentially ingrained into the DNA, in the same but more minimal sense that we can say that earth life is innately solar. Of course, skeptics will find this idea dubious, yet it's not entirely unfeasible to claim that in each terrestrial species there is a microcosm which reflects the macrocosm of which it has sprung out from- which is the very theory of evolution, that species develop and grow with and within their environment and embody it.
But, of course, it does appear rather tenuous to presume that the moon - a distant rock disconnected by space, makes a concrete impact on the consciousness of earth life, beyond humans, though when one considers the physical dynamic in the Earth-moon system, how the moon has contributed to the particular structure that gives us the seasons and so on, such a claim is an a priori reality and it then seems farfetched to argue the opposite - as though a mother had only a secondary relation to the unborn child she has carried. Indeed, the moon is primally included within the terrestrial experience.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Yep, because I can, I will, and well, I see no reason not too- unfortunately, I need it to comfort me so there is that, but at the same time the very comforting aspect of the idea makes it worth thinking, whether or not it's true. I honestly have no time for haters or truth zealots anymore, and to be honest I think that it's unwise to pull the rug out from under someone, especially someone who has mental health problems.

I was just reading the wiki page on neutrinos - and the first sentence stating the neutrino is a "fermion (an elementary particle with a spin of .5) that only interacts via the weak subatomic force and gravity"- spurred a thought.... that, despite my complete surface skimming over the whole field of physics, and what atomic theory is all about (I actually respect physicists quite a bit, but not physics necessarilly), I find a thought I had very interesting.
Basically, the microscopic/scientific movement of humanity mirrors a kind of neurosis, which, despite the many and indeed wonderful boons of science, also reflects the failure of humanity as such. Think of it like this, while the Scientist analyzes the microscopic fabric of existence, of "1/2 spinning fermioid neutrinos" (which by the way are only interacts via the weak subatomic gravity, I might add, in case you didnt know) - which again I admit I have no idea what this entails in practice or theory - of the fabrizios and microcosms of anal, and so on, one can see the Neurotic worrying over the small details, allowing that small thing - which has no place in the spiritual level - to determine the entire edifice of one's perception, a classic forest for the trees dilemma.
Now, my point is neither that science is the devil's work or that materialism is false - but you must factor intention and perspective into the combustion of how things unravel, how, indeed, human consciousness unravels. The complicity of science (and also, religion, spirituality, hoodoo, every aspect of human activity, in fact) in capitalism is beyond a doubt- the very creation of experience, social and phenomenological, thus, is dictated by how society interacts with itself.
Does the neurotic element within science mean that its reading into reality is false? No, of course not. I'm not that bold to make that kind of claim. But one questions whether or not the tendency determines the outcome- thus, because we need to tend and succor our neuroses - the enlightenment was a renaissance for Nerds (sorry for using that derogatory term), a new, not-Christian worldview - we have created a collective Idea to deal with this new space of human (cosmic) consciousness..
Whatever. I dunno. Eat your greens, drink, lick some dick.

Sci-fi explanation of the Zodiac

From what I've read up on I don't know what the natural explanation for the different signs meanings are, I think I have heard that they reflect a Northern latitude seasonal cycle, but of course we have most likely piled on plenty of additional meanings over the years, whether or not this natural explanation is even valid in the first place.
A planet is aligned with a sign - and the signs are not the zodiac constellations exactly, but their domains - and thus becomes imbued with that energy. Moreover every planet fares better or worse in its given sign, whether in detriment or fall or exaltation, or neutrality. Why this is is another topic, the only point I'm suggesting is that the zodiac communicates a particular meaning to each planet. But why is this? Aside from any physical explanation based on the earth's orientation at different points in its orbit around the sun, which sounds pretty reasonable, another more esoteric theory might say that these stars in the twelve spheres of the sky are abodes of a particular divine energy. One could see in this the traditional belief that these divine spheres are the abodes of gods, like Zeus or Shiva. These are archetypes as far as I know, but if you can think of it even more literally, then the zodiac signs might just be homes of different versions of humanity.
Had we experienced a different cosmic evolution, in which each planet in the solar system were equally habitable and equally evolved from the same evolutionary tree, the planets would nonetheless have their own unique cultures just as one can see in the different cultures on earth. Thus the Martians are martial, the Plutoites plutonian, etc.
In fact, this is essentially the premise for the planets in astrology, though on a purely metaphorical level. But it seems reasonable to ascribe the same mechanism at work in the zodiac, which after all each contain their own solar systems, and which after all might contain other civilizations as far as we know. There really should be no reason to deny the possibility of even humanoid (i.e. similiarly intellectually and physically structured, whether they have five different sexes or three eyes or fur or gills or whatever) civilizations in each quarter of the sky, thus the transmutation of astral, spiritual energy. As Dr. Pretelcunt once said, the transmission within the electromagnetic structure of light from the stars within the galaxy possibly have that sphere's chunk of Being inscribed within it, thus bringing space-monkies astral souls onto our starlight.
Indeed, there is no reason to think that starlight does not send different types of mind rays and affect earth consciusness, swishing around the different batters of goop which make up our heads. For if a star hosts alien life or not certainly reflects the kind of chemical goop it can emit. This I reason based on my interpretation of the Nebular Hypothesis (by Laplace or Kant) which is that any cosmic blob of which solar systems are made of functions as an organism and thus has a particular "vital" dynamic and nature to it which means its own particular dna genetic stamp. This is the exact same process which happens all throughout nature on the whole: each rock and mineral entity has its own chemical and physical makeup.
That's my interpretation. And this would mean that, any of these possible worlds would have earth and our earth culture as its own zodiacal essence.

Friday, February 7, 2020


Holy hell y'all (or should I say y'none) this Aquarian winter has been A KNOB AND A FUCKING HALF, CHRIST.
Anyways, two points:
Remember that nature and nurture is always here, that your birth chart represents your nature while your personal journey, with all its mothers, fathers, family, friends, lovers, and self discovery are your nurture. In other words, KEEP STAR-SEEKING YOU CRAZIES
AS FOR EACH GENERATION'S ASTROLOGY: they don't entail anything other than the 'Questions' to be confronted, the great sphinxes (though of corpse spinhexies pile up corsets to sustainest itself__)