Thursday, November 14, 2019

Individuality, Death, and Déjà Jew

This isn't exactly in the same vein as my .... no wait, it is, because my idea of astrophilosophy is thinking of ourselves as soul-beams traversing spacetime. So, there.

I've had a rough time of it lately, no doubt in part because of my declining health, not to mention such and such afflictions, blah blah blah. But I do have moments of insight which pertain to a new metaphysical ... HA, NICE TRY, me! Trying to establish new metaphysical foundations for an Astrological Age which wee won't even gain the chance to attempt (unless civilization has a good collapse)! HA! HA! Nonetheless, I still like sharing my thoughts because it is a rudimentary type of therapy.

The thing that strikes me is that, how odd it is to encounter another individual who is different from you, or who basically has an independent subjectivity from you. I find that really fascinating and sometimes maddening. To think that perhaps we all have a "normal" or a kind of stasis, and we also have our unique weirdness, meanwhile we are frequently engaging with others who have their own eccentricities; and once we encounter someone who, in astrological terms, has a completely different chart from our own, and we are somewhat unable to understand where the fuck they are coming from- it's rather interesting, especially when one seeks to find universal understanding between all and establish harmony without violence or strife; but perhaps harmony requires an underlying strife to keep from overharmonizing?

Anyways onto my next notes. I forget completely what I was thinking the other week, but I had made a connection between déjà vu and reincarnation. I like to think about the death experience a lot and how it funnels into reincarnation. I was thinking that the stereotypical 'life flashing before eyes' was a sort of mental devolving, the psychic involution, which occurred at a hyperaccelerated rate upon the point of death, a certain 'kernalization' of the psychic stream which has undergone so many stresses and so many strange dreams throughout the lifestream, and is now something to desperately regain hold of. This is explosive as much as it is a consolidation. And what comes afterwards, no one who is alive can probably truly know. But as I was thinking it possibly has some connection to déjà vu in the sense that in déjà vu moments one realizes the involution of their experience and their steady approach towards death. Of course déjà vu is generally associated with the dreamstate and a subconscious feeling of 'having already been seen' but within that queerest of epiphanies there lies a foretelling of the future, even if it is cloaked in the past, or vice versa; the sense of having lived all the moments and now all there is is the eternally sagging hag-tits of the Spider-Befogged Now.

- Pete PussypoPPER 97 00 SEX

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Astrological dissection of metaphysiology

Ah see what I did there? Metaphysics - physiology = .... metaphysiology. As I said, since after all astrophilosophy is a kind of metaphysical orientation to physiology, physics,dreamology, astronomy, etc., so therefore, we must dissect the metaphysikal causes of our earthly being.

Where in fact does the unconscious derive, and how is this more astrological than our conscious mind: this I don't know. However, one uses the birth chart, enmeshed within the Univseral Birth Clock of the current astrological chart, as a source of relative magnetism, towards this or that existential drive and locus of the psyche.

But enough diaLECTING let's get to more expErimental business.

One must assume the Moon as the focus of all physiological processes. The afflictions, the benefices, the modes neutral and mundane of the Moon's functioning under tutelage or dominance of the Sun- how the Moon, i.e. psychic body, is experiencing. One sees one's physical psyche in the image of the Moon.

One must establish the Moon's aspects, its complications, its fluorescence, before finding out how the astral fabric works upon you as a human being. (Of course there are other ways to establish your earthly being, astrology only being a more ethereal method among them). That is - if Neptune squares or opposes your Moon then you will have a good time in drugged-down haze seeing illusions aplenty and sorting through them for your psychic solidification.

More moon readings @ moonpretzelsystemdotorgyfcjklolnoncompliancetreatybrusselstanusa/

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to avoid creating essentialist conclusions which are pulled out of things called asses

I know we all do this here, and it's somewhat harmless actually, but if it becomes too ossified in our heads then we start assuming things about our essences which are not part of a more mature use of astrology. But like I said it's still fun and mostly harmless. You know how you say, 'such a LEO thing to do!' etc. when a person got up on the table and sang.

But this is how to deal with this and any other assumption about the different sign essences (and planets too of course) assuming a trait or behavior truly is more essential to that sign or element: ask whether or not for example using a wet humor as opposed to dry is more of a water sign style of humor is indeed true; Can fire, earth, or even air signs just as equally have this certain type of behavior too?? After all, aren't air positions good at a wry humor and Capricorns good at morbid humper and Leo's and Tauruses really good at dad humlor?

Another example can be examining the statement that Aquarians are, in general, more involved in fringe things, something that doesn't quite fit in with the current society, even if these same things are stocked with plenty of other people with different signs, Aquarians have the greatest proportion of being involved in these different activities (and this could manifest from being a UFO enthusiast to sticking cheetos in your butthole, though that sounds more like an Aries thing, and so on, you get it).

That actually seems pretty legitimate to me, in the case of Aquarius, and kind of does confirm a type of objective (whatever THAT iS) essence. But because astrology is a kind of science in the sense that it seeks to establish a knowledge of the world, to describe our reality, it's good to clean one's assumptions about what the signs and aspects are and to just observe and have these kinds of mental experiments, both for fun, learning, and to plot the annihiliation of your enemies!