Saturday, July 27, 2019

Adjectivization of the Planets.

Solar, helial, sunny,
Mercurial, tempestuous, mercantile
venusian, venereal, venician
Earthly, terrestrial, mundane, worldly, sublunar
Lunar, selenic, moonish, money, lunatical
Martian, martial
Jovian, jovial, Dios
Saturnalian, chronic (Kronos)
Uranian, hyper-Jovian, uranium, eccentrical, Promethean
Neptunian, Dionysian, oceanic, Orpheic, oneiromanic
Plutonian, Persephonian, netherly

Now of course, astrology is a very subjective craft at times, and the strange thing is that Western (also known as Hellenistic) astrology is deeply immersed in the conceptual realm of Greek myth. Though this is so, astrology has never intended to be a science, in the modern sense of it. Astrology is actually rooted in the divine, the aetherial realm which does not have a material existence and only the effervescence of spirit.

This is why division between well-practiced schools are arbitrary and more or less false. This meaning, too, that the Modern school, which is now in the hands of millenials and such, despite its vulgarity and flaws, belongs to a cosmic understanding based in an inherently subjective accounting of the stars and signs. There certainly is no science, but only the light we draw from the stars, which are true bodies in the great universe. As far as a divinatory science is concerned this is all that is needed. The Zodiac remains, as it has, an astronomical band which saddles the actual sky. The planets, which all traverse through it - since they are our sister planets, despite earthly limitations - remain beckoning islands of light to the miserable creatures of earth.

The Planetary distillings

As someone who has adopted the Moon as my mother planet, I have definitely neglected the very feasible fact of the other planets energies, above and beyond those of the sun or moon. For in astrology, as in any cosmically-connected ritual rite mentality, the diamond stars are each gods unto themselves, spirits in our great ecalogo-cosmik sea which we call this earth. Forsooth, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and even old Pluto - all lights that come into our souls. But what is light, is it mere photons reflecting into the pupils or some electromagnetic vibration flowing upon actual space? Who gives a shit. The fact that blue, black, white, red, brown, yellow, purple, green and rose exist is enough for me. One must remember that each planet has a certain domain, a certain discharge, a certain gravity upon which we attempt to facilitate, as toiling mortals. Yet we are not the planets servants. What am I talking about again?
I need a drink.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Astrology as Religion

Though I lay deep in my underground ivory tower, I know that astrology is slighted as a religion. In a sense these skeptics are right. Astrology has the same amount of membership as many religions do which unite people in a shared worldview. But of course astrology is more than religion (and no, I'm not trying to start a cult, so stop asking). Atheism and astrology are not incompatible. There is an equal balance between the stars and planets wandering our sky and the infintisemal atoms ricocheting in all space...

Even today we 'westerners' tend to summon, above all others, the main monotheisms to mind when we think of Religion. Even though Buddhism is indeed a major religion, and, well, I really haven't studied much about Hinduism (isn't it just a kind of polytheist monotheism???), and despite a kind of New age paganist/pantheist resurgence - nonetheless the Christian element dominates religious thinking, even amongst astrology adherents.

I came upon an interesting realization today considering the most powerful pull Christianity &c. present to us, wielding a fatal spell over our minds: basically, apocalyptic vision - which would in modern psychological parlance be labeled wingnut at best and schizo at worst. Though of course humanly manufactured apocalypse is a definite, and these days, an increasingly inevitable thing.

Forgive me for rambling again.

There is nothing normal or abnormal about apocalyptic vision - or is there? Is there a historical situation which makes millenarial apocalypism more corrosive within the collective psyche? This was my thought, because the Book of Revelations, our Western prototype of apocalpyticism , as far as I know, was written during a decadent Roman imperial rule which bespoke not just of the more coming to power solstice of Christianity, but the absolute morbidity of a hopelessly decadent civilization. And so, given the social position of Christianity (and also the lowest classes which filled its ranks, thanks Nietzsche), the metaphysics of cultural and social disintegration were completely fused with the metaphysics of cosmological eschatology (that is, the disintegration of the Empire became an archetypal situation for a mythical Final Hour).

I apologize for this digression, but the point - WHICH, I ASK MYSELF?? - the cybernetics of metaphysics in the fabric of history?? Religious minds kill slowly and poison the water. I suppose I am to blame for being a communist too... but humanity is not my creation! Thank you for being absurd and joyous with me.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Moon soil

The moon forms a principal element of any astrological chart. Not only is it a great luminary, but the moon always signifies the psychic side of the self.

The moon unlike the sun is a corporeal body - it is not made of energy and gas - its sheath and shine provide the only natural nighttime light, though it appears dead. This is the moon's conundrum - a living incarnation of the 'undead' - the werewolf is a grotesqueity of undistilled moon energy. Something made of light and yet of a dead, dusty source- a paradox is what the moon remains!

But I digress. One's moon is not as romantic as all that. The moon is indeed barren, but it is full of so much untapped light. All moon signs will languish within the glare of reality, though maybe not the most well-positioned... moons trining suns probably relegate either extreme understanding easy-goingness or terminal lackadaisicalness.

The point of this post is not to focus precisely upon aspects beseeching or reflecting the moon, but the personal, psychologic condition of the moon reflecting your internal sunlight, which has to some degree or another traversed the land of the unliving, of incandescent white light.

The Moon in each sign signifies the field of self-feeling, for only in sunlight's naked night can we express ourselves. It is the field of blooming, of ripening, of potentiality blossoming in the naked, foolish, sometimes deadly meadow of osmosis.

Astronomically the moon is rock, dust, moonlight, and ice.