Saturday, May 18, 2024

La Microscopia Mundial

The Moon provides a fantastic example of the microcosmic within the macrocosmic and the germ theory of the universe. Even with the naked eye one can see a large object become insignificant. It is quite the mundane marvel to witness the Moon, a massive body floating in our sky, as so insignificant a creature that most people hardly acknowledge its presence even in a cloudless sky. 
The telescope, you see, is just a microscope in reverse. Nothing of this universe is small or large. They are both.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Being American from a Cosmological Perspective

 God bless America! But, does God really bless America? 

Slopped from a uterus on a pebble round a sun into the land they call Uncle Sam, which according to the story is the greatest nation on Earth. Even if that were true it's still quite peculiar that you're among a minority of 8 billion of a species fortunate enough to have access to a not inconsiderable range of amenities unavailable to the vast majority of ancestors who've been shat out before you. Now there's nothing peculiar though in the cream being of the crop but still, it's quite a humdinger if I dare say.

It just doesn't make any sense though. Doesn't make any sense. Sure, of course the cream would be yoinking themselves on the top of the crop and giving themselves the pat on the back and jerking each other off, but is it really the case?

I view America as an imperial nation which through an exquisite propaganda machine touting itself as a beacon of liberal democracy has convinced its own citizens of being a fabulous utopia among a sea of debased nations still enthralled to tyranny- or whatever it is Americans tend to believe. But that's what all empires do, despite being founded upon the brutalization of other peoples and lands. 

So when God takes this moldy little earthball in their hand and squints at it right at its America hole, they see a bunch of megalomaniac gobshites trampling all over the rest of the little stone with its juggernaut and proclaiming itself the most upright bunch of shitstains on the planet. 

Of course the economic and political domination of one particular bloc of the human anthill and all the tribute that goes along with it would induce its beneficiaries to toot its own horn thinking it existed simply due to their own merit. That's what cream does when it's at the top, it revels in being cream and in its creaminess it looks at everything else through its cream-eyed eyes.

The United States certainly did initiate a new chapter in human history, to its credit. But what I see is a bunch of tiny little cosmic sea monkeys congratulating themselves on having their poops pooped on the gooeyest bits of the gooball. Hm......... it makes me wonder... makes me gooey just thinking on it, gooey on my own bits...... it makes me think, makes me think.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS I realized I left one important aspect out about the cosmic perspective. To the Universe the Earth is a singular terrarium, a fragmented but still whole entity. America, on the other hand - as well as other nations too - has, in the latter days of neoliberalism, sought to make itself a sealed up terrarium unto itself where its sea monkeys may homogenize and eat the soylent cheese fat of the land to itself. Sea monkey depravity

Friday, May 12, 2023

Trans = Nature

With a new flush of killings of trans men and women I've seen in the news, one needs to retake an account of the so called trans "issue"' - how foolish it is to deign to make people's very essence an "issue" - and to ponder what some of the deeper meanings are of it.

The politics of being transgender are mostly clouded over by right-wing punditry and cultural and media incitement. But there is a heavy transgender nature inherent to humans. Society, however, has innumerable neuroses it wants to insert according to whatever kind of Adam & Eve ideal, of sterilized perfectionism, gender conformity and so on. The conservatives have a great fear for the erosion of traditional family structures, and liberals have a tendency to enable children. But the whole binary is obsolete while "transgenderism" remains a progressive development within civilization. The more we reconcile the masculine and feminine as one, the better off we will be, for each according to their individual nature.

And as nature becomes increasingly removed from the human world, humans have proven themselves to react extremely defensively to the masculine-feminine element. So hidebound traditionalists might double down on typical gender norms. Aside from the bugaboo of "transgender ideology" within our culture,* these kinds of people believe that to break the fragile bonds of connection to what is left of our seemingly natural human relations means that we must repress any divergences from it. But as nature itself is repressed, destroyed, and sublimated, so too is the natural convergence and transcendence between the sexes. Without a living world we will cease to be able to embody what our internal gender provides us.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Nervousness, Psychology, and Being a Being for Matter-Being

 So y'all know that when you are feeling excessively nervous and spiraling you can re-orient yourself easily, with some light maneuvers. The psyche is def like a ship so when the worry and neuroses start to christfiddle your mind, remember that it's all just a surge of experiences flowing. You can see them and thus sit down and watch. Those things build vines and can really zap you. Take care of them. You have a lot more potential than you are used to. Nervousness will make you insane. Remember the sacred ground your beautifying mind warms the rest of your world.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Semen Theory

I once dropped acid at home while my family was on vacation (I was in my 20's). Every time you do acid your mind contorts into an absurdist shape of your psyche. It's like an alchemical experiment. It's caught in the flow of reality and you are using ingredients from the spirit's cupboard. But you are already working from the psyche, a type of succulent plant. 

Back in those days, I was still on good terms with my neighborhood. I was basically a Messiah figure for the kids. They congregated on my lawn like flamingos and considered me like the King Raccoon Prince of Audrey. It was very nice but of course they're kooky kids and eventually I fell out of grace. But I remember being high as heaven on acid this summer day and biking around trying to de-pickle my mind. One of the kids, Rachel, who was a sweetie, stuck her head out of a passing car and shouted greetings out to me. I was touched but the shape of her oval head and body made me instantly think we are all little sperms booping around. Very traumatic business I tell you

But there is some sort of terrifying spiritual insight which impressed upon me from that. Aside from my abuse of psychedelic drugs, the 'sperm theory' of the earth seems to have some bastardsome reality.

Now the thing is that the sperm cell is encased in SEMEN which is issued from a PEEPEE in order to meet a VAGINA EGG. This is the sperm theory, the transposed ontology of the sperm as a structure of the human world system. 

For example: if you look at a person, male or female, they kind of resemble a sperm.

In the sense that we still remain in a competing system of money vs money, merit vs merit, and even spirit vs spirit, we remain the 'winning sperm', which happens to be a myth. The sperm are a collective trans-organism who are bound to a "separate" body, the uterus. So, though we are collectively anchored, the individual becomes the 'individual' sperm slotted into the lottery of fucking their Mum. 

The strange thing is though, that we are semen. We are all the semen of Christ and Buddha and the great Sages. We must flow together in order to see and become with the Egg. THE GREAT SEMEN ETERNAL LIFE!!!!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Concept of Alien

The concept of alien otherness has existed since time immemorial. But not until humans developed a science fiction sense of the universe (without getting into ancient alien shit) did we invent the idea of 'Aliens' as another humanoid originating from another place in the galaxy. I can't trace the idea/experience of alien visitation throughout human history, but at least in the past few centuries with the advent of modern astronomy the possibility has become increasingly open to speculation. Ancient Greek philosophers discussed it long ago. I'm sure when any human from any pre-industrial era from any culture anywhere on the earth looked up at the sky they felt eyes staring back, whether only in the recesses of the deep psyche. 

But it begs the question of what 'alien' is. Alien is defined by otherness, so can't we all be aliens? Naturally, an intragalactic encounter would send shockwaves within humanity that'd alter our existence forever. But if the only reason we are alien to one another is dislocation within the field of pure Nature then any cosmic species would be our family - although that thought can easily be contested. If spacetime is only an inflection with mind and vice versa then our being is connected to any other on whatever side of the galaxy. That of course is a very bold statement to make for life can occur independently with no organic relation to other crops of life. (Hence ALIEN the MOVIE, EVIL GRASSHOPPER SCORPION RACE)

Yet when you realize our actual experience, of cosmic loneliness and the desolation that reigns over this earth, you begin to perhaps see the earth as a patchwork of many alien worlds. Especially in this day and age, when the human tree's roots have been hacked from the Old Mother. 

The diversity of subjectivity and florescence of experience brings us over and over to the experience of alienness and yet undercurrents of communion. Yet without speculating on the thing of alienation from Nature and our animal and plant kin, there is a radical break between us and the other beings on this earth. I sometimes stare back into my cat's eyes and I see a strange, strange creature. The wild minds of this earth. Finding their own niches. Working together, falling apart, singing jungle songs, prairie songs, desert songs, forest songs, mountain songs, tundra songs. Oy! What a crazy world!