Saturday, February 17, 2024

Being American from a Cosmological Perspective

 God bless America! But, does God really bless America? 

Slopped from a uterus on a pebble round a sun into the land they call Uncle Sam, which according to the story is the greatest nation on Earth. Even if that were true it's still quite peculiar that you're among a minority of 8 billion of a species fortunate enough to have access to a not inconsiderable range of amenities unavailable to the vast majority of ancestors who've been shat out before you. Now there's nothing peculiar though in the cream being of the crop but still, it's quite a humdinger if I dare say.

It just doesn't make any sense though. Doesn't make any sense. Sure, of course the cream would be yoinking themselves on the top of the crop and giving themselves the pat on the back and jerking each other off, but is it really the case?

I view America as an imperial nation which through an exquisite propaganda machine touting itself as a beacon of liberal democracy has convinced its own citizens of being a fabulous utopia among a sea of debased nations still enthralled to tyranny- or whatever it is Americans tend to believe. But that's what all empires do, despite being founded upon the brutalization of other peoples and lands. 

So when God takes this moldy little earthball in their hand and squints at it right at its America hole, they see a bunch of megalomaniac gobshites trampling all over the rest of the little stone with its juggernaut and proclaiming itself the most upright bunch of shitstains on the planet. 

Of course the economic and political domination of one particular bloc of the human anthill and all the tribute that goes along with it would induce its beneficiaries to toot its own horn thinking it existed simply due to their own merit. That's what cream does when it's at the top, it revels in being cream and in its creaminess it looks at everything else through its cream-eyed eyes.

The United States certainly did initiate a new chapter in human history, to its credit. But what I see is a bunch of tiny little cosmic sea monkeys congratulating themselves on having their poops pooped on the gooeyest bits of the gooball. Hm......... it makes me wonder... makes me gooey just thinking on it, gooey on my own bits...... it makes me think, makes me think.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS I realized I left one important aspect out about the cosmic perspective. To the Universe the Earth is a singular terrarium, a fragmented but still whole entity. America, on the other hand - as well as other nations too - has, in the latter days of neoliberalism, sought to make itself a sealed up terrarium unto itself where its sea monkeys may homogenize and eat the soylent cheese fat of the land to itself. Sea monkey depravity

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