Monday, September 19, 2022

Concept of Alien

The concept of alien otherness has existed since time immemorial. But not until humans developed a science fiction sense of the universe (without getting into ancient alien shit) did we invent the idea of 'Aliens' as another humanoid originating from another place in the galaxy. I can't trace the idea/experience of alien visitation throughout human history, but at least in the past few centuries with the advent of modern astronomy the possibility has become increasingly open to speculation. Ancient Greek philosophers discussed it long ago. I'm sure when any human from any pre-industrial era from any culture anywhere on the earth looked up at the sky they felt eyes staring back, whether only in the recesses of the deep psyche. 

But it begs the question of what 'alien' is. Alien is defined by otherness, so can't we all be aliens? Naturally, an intragalactic encounter would send shockwaves within humanity that'd alter our existence forever. But if the only reason we are alien to one another is dislocation within the field of pure Nature then any cosmic species would be our family - although that thought can easily be contested. If spacetime is only an inflection with mind and vice versa then our being is connected to any other on whatever side of the galaxy. That of course is a very bold statement to make for life can occur independently with no organic relation to other crops of life. (Hence ALIEN the MOVIE, EVIL GRASSHOPPER SCORPION RACE)

Yet when you realize our actual experience, of cosmic loneliness and the desolation that reigns over this earth, you begin to perhaps see the earth as a patchwork of many alien worlds. Especially in this day and age, when the human tree's roots have been hacked from the Old Mother. 

The diversity of subjectivity and florescence of experience brings us over and over to the experience of alienness and yet undercurrents of communion. Yet without speculating on the thing of alienation from Nature and our animal and plant kin, there is a radical break between us and the other beings on this earth. I sometimes stare back into my cat's eyes and I see a strange, strange creature. The wild minds of this earth. Finding their own niches. Working together, falling apart, singing jungle songs, prairie songs, desert songs, forest songs, mountain songs, tundra songs. Oy! What a crazy world! 

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