Friday, December 27, 2019

A recent insight on Sign 'Energies'

This insight leads me to wonder how much and to what degree the daily practice of astrology (conceiving yourself in an astrological frame whether you have any knowledge about it or not) is constructed by the static way in which we live in this corrupted (one might also remark SUBLUNAR) realm, and I'm pretty sure that it does. Again I don't wish to disparage people for having an insufficient or even false concept of astrology, because after all it's not so much the falsity of it so much as simply being too crude to carry much truth. There really isn't anything wrong with saying "Pisces is such and such," only that, in its generality, it lacks any real substance or weight in understanding on an astral level what being born under a certain sign really means. What, indeed, the very fact of the earth being under the 'reign' of a constellation through a portion of its revolution means in a greater cosmic sense.

Indeed it is a very strange fact that the native is born, let alone born in such a star-studded awe-inspiring unfathomableness as the universe... but in terms of astrology, which I'm going to take for granted given my audience, I am thinking that one must assume the cold distance of the stars. Which means, in short, they are beyond immediate human conception. Not that they are inconceivable. I think we must assume a very terrestrial-oriented astrology. In fact, if you consider yourself in the giant breadth of life, your astrology almost comes secondary. In the day to day and moment to moment reality, you are simply a hyper-intelligent mammal on the planet earth. The stars must undergo a distillation through your crystalline glass mindtubes - despite their vastness, compared to our tiny bodies, the concentration of psychically significant matter resides on earth; otherwise, astrology would have no meaning; that is, who cares how astrology affects my extraterrestrial being?

And yet however the stars reach out to not only the psyche and soul but to our total earthly presence, because if it doesn't gather together all the senses than it is not truly penetrative. In a slightly fatal vein, one does not 'be' one's sign, instead one becomes it. With the planet's it will always be different: these are all solar system bodies on a solar system plane. The Sun, however, is the sibling of the stars in a way which we could only understand if were suns too. That is basically my defense (tho 10th house northnode Pisces Sun) of sun-sign oriented astrology. But I clearly find the dominants of any chart the most powerful determiner: the moon, Pluto, the ascendant, the house concentrations, the aspects all the true guardians of the mystery of personality and essence: but let's not get too serious now, after all I have to speak to an empty audience. In fact, my soul is quite shallow, if only because I feel like somewhat of a carcass, due to my own devices: and one must remember that the sky is always a sea. Whatever that meant to mean.

As I was saying, one becomes one sun sign - though, of course, the North Node is important. Or one doesn't. I think the Moon is always a counterpoint to the Sun, but not in a fundamental antagonism, only a dance. Anyways, I'd love to keep writing but I don't feel very serendipitous right now.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jews, Mexicans, and Blacks: What They Truly Are

I consider myself a mediocre anthropologer on the human race. Having understood that the sociologic membrane wraps all the way around the globe a thousand times over, I can conceive of nothing in terms of race actually existing beyond the discourse and discourse of bodies (you see I'm also a post-structuralist too), thus in a sense even Waldo is a Black Jewish Mexican.

For what do bloodlines even entail as if it were poured from some holy cup? Now the Christians, and I presume Jewish worshippers and Abrahamism in general maintains the mythic delusion of Creationism and its metaphysics underpinning the Garden of Eden. I most certainly have this archetype embedded in my unconscious, though I also have penises embedded inside my ass, my pussy, and my tits. It's a potent image though nonetheless and not even for Abrahamic cultures; I am sure there is an earthly paradise represented in evertyhing from Tibetan Buddhism to Wicca to Hinduism to Taoism - maybe even Confucianism too! - which, by the by, would involve billions of humans! So there is some sort of racist side effect in these visions because how could you possibly represent every ethnic type without destroying by expanding the nuclear family held by Adam and his Eve? Not that that doesn't sound kind of romantic, without the ideas of male sexual property- but I can't imagine anything more romantic than living in it amongst family and friends! Ah yes; the Garden of Eden was a KIBBUTZ! Everyone knows that a human is an innately social being. WE LIVED IN A GARDEN COMMUNE AND WORE FLOWERS ON OUR HEADS!

But about those Mexicans! Imagine being cut off from the rest of humanity because the Bering Sea melted or whatever the goose happened.... and in some cases FINDING real garden of Edens - at what point did their ancestral memory not forget that they came with a fresh memory of surviving in similar lands: the plains and rivers of Asia, the steppes out West and the Arabian deserts and Europe and Africa all the way to its hinterlands, and Southern and Southeastern Asia, everywhere in short... they came with a human civilizing mission; not so much militaristic like the Old World territories of power, but now with a strictly biological, which is to say human, mission, that of transforming the land in the mastery of humanity. What does a grape vine do but grow and then get smooshed to be drunk? HM? Well naturally the indigenous Amerindians originally assembled into a Bering caravan rent their ways and grew to inhabit different land whence diversity of communities and the seeking of certain green pastures.

Thus spread, the ancient seeds of Eurasia and Africa underwent transformation, in combination with their new lands. Mangoes and oowalla bears and the vast body of jungle created a whole new universe which sadly is being ripped apart this very moment, but only to remind us that we are all one in these dark times and oh, what beautiful civilizations! So many wise and artful understandings of the spirit and the soul and its trek, of Mother Earth and the way of her flowers and herbs; in short, there has been an immense gain for human "colonization" of the Americas. Yes, Europe became a cannibalist to many other lands, yes indeed, though I guess poor people were poor and desperate - is the average European a cruel beast? How can that be? For even Europe is not a fortress, though of course the World plays it like it is one.

Okay well I'm stoned and tired and want to go to bed. Merry Christmas my goodly souls, and happy holidays.

Monday, December 9, 2019

My Astral dream las nite

I had a visiondream last night depicting the process of astrological gravity thru these green cosmic rays, which ultimately displayed to me how the process either of a new planet would create (which doesn't make sense now that I think about it because who would create a planet out of nothing ex nihilo from pure nada poop) or some person's chart who had a stellium on one side of the chart and one prominent planet remote from them - THUS NEEDING to illustrate in my dream this particular planet's EXOTIC energy also illustrating the very COSMIC NODE PROCESS OF ASTROLOGY IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The planet and also the sign were intoned... attuned... intuned... WHATEVER implied to me as being URANUS and Aquarius. The vision was quite splendid I must say, very colorful and sort of plasmic but realistic at the same time. What I remember seeing was a green ray shooting from Earth out past various jumping-off stations (other planets) - since Uranus seems to be so far away, from a human perspect (which is what I am) indeed, you WOULD need some jumping off stations... and then all the way to Uranus, and from there the rays making a hyperspeed leap to the constellation Aquarius or its main star which had a sort of galactic-cerebrum sentient essence... a GODBEING (but I just saw that on Futurama the other day when Bender meets God who is just a giant galactic mind).

Anyways I interpret this as there being cosmic nodes upon which astrological gravity waves must travel in order to imbue the individual with its chi-power. Of course what I've gathered from astrology is that in order to explain it rationally, one says that the cosmic arrangement - the cosmos being a living system - is why astrology is a real facet of nature. What the rays must illustrate - and 'cosmic rays' are a very old theory in astrology - are the pathways which star energy travel and, apparently according to my dream since it began from earth, pathways which originate in both directions receiving and transmitting. And the planets and the ether and the spacevoid medium and so on are the nodal stations, electrically. But what is also plausible is that the constellations act like tectonic plates in the cosmos and thus they underlie our sun's body, shifting around and reorienting the "GEOLOGIC" dynamics.

Something like that. It was a fun dream. I probably dreamt of Uranus and Aquarius because I am obsessed with Aquarian element. I also once had a dream months ago where I saw Neptune and Uranus clear as pearls in the daytime sky. Great shit!

Friday, December 6, 2019

I just had a stoned thought

Ever wonder why people have such radically different experiences of God or the complete absence? Naturally one can presume so many determinations that might make them like that: astrology, upbringing, social environment, personal disposition, psychology, biology... but clearly anyone who is not a fandangling dingus takes a much more existential approach to being... that is, they believe in a soul. There are many different interpretations on the soul, some which are even atheist. The question then becomes WHAT is the soul, how BIG it is, it's nature, and from which SOURCE it ... manifests?

THOSE ARE THE REAL QUESTIONS COMRADES! At least if you're pantheistic like me; dang CHRISTIANS AND ABRAHAMISTS AND BUDDHISTS SCIELTNOLOTIGISTS! Their are of course pantheist strains in all of those religions, Scientology especially. Good old Alien Religions! Anyways yeah like... you know, the living body of God, or Godness - if you are into this kinda shit you should read up on Meister Eckhart at least, and other spiritualist theologians, New Age, Sufi, Radical Christian, Kabbalah, Henry Miller, Mick B. (new book out called 'Dreamwalker', very trippy), some of Zizek's work, Nietzsche if you're into autopsy, Hegel, Spinoza, blah blah, Lao Tzu, The Book of Changes... blah, blah. Those are good name drops though; the Godhead, the Godbody, the Soul, the Collective Being, The Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Christ consciousness, angels, demons, dimensional fluxes, astral bodies, Mount Meru. I once went to the Aquariuan Foundation for some sort of spiritual service. It was very trippy and totally about this stuff, very serious about their beliefs thinking this dude Reinhardt or someone was the latest incarnation of the Messiah-Bringer or whatever, like in the long line of buddhas christs prophets and saints issuing new message from God to Save this poor Human World offering Salvation, Pure Soul, Absolute Transcendence. Now I can dig it I just do not like to make allegiance to any religious authority and take on any contracts for my lollygagging soul. And that, I think, is what being part of any social thing all the way to shared ideology in terms of having religion when you have to be subject to the moral-philosophical standards of others even though they may be pure and right.

Anyways, blah blah blah. So the source emanates from one's subjectivity. Like a mound of dough, this is pliable to the touch and though the weight of Time and Idealized Essence weigh us down, we move in subtle stream along the dreamriver of our own making.