Friday, May 12, 2023

Trans = Nature

With a new flush of killings of trans men and women I've seen in the news, one needs to retake an account of the so called trans "issue"' - how foolish it is to deign to make people's very essence an "issue" - and to ponder what some of the deeper meanings are of it.

The politics of being transgender are mostly clouded over by right-wing punditry and cultural and media incitement. But there is a heavy transgender nature inherent to humans. Society, however, has innumerable neuroses it wants to insert according to whatever kind of Adam & Eve ideal, of sterilized perfectionism, gender conformity and so on. The conservatives have a great fear for the erosion of traditional family structures, and liberals have a tendency to enable children. But the whole binary is obsolete while "transgenderism" remains a progressive development within civilization. The more we reconcile the masculine and feminine as one, the better off we will be, for each according to their individual nature.

And as nature becomes increasingly removed from the human world, humans have proven themselves to react extremely defensively to the masculine-feminine element. So hidebound traditionalists might double down on typical gender norms. Aside from the bugaboo of "transgender ideology" within our culture,* these kinds of people believe that to break the fragile bonds of connection to what is left of our seemingly natural human relations means that we must repress any divergences from it. But as nature itself is repressed, destroyed, and sublimated, so too is the natural convergence and transcendence between the sexes. Without a living world we will cease to be able to embody what our internal gender provides us.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Nervousness, Psychology, and Being a Being for Matter-Being

 So y'all know that when you are feeling excessively nervous and spiraling you can re-orient yourself easily, with some light maneuvers. The psyche is def like a ship so when the worry and neuroses start to christfiddle your mind, remember that it's all just a surge of experiences flowing. You can see them and thus sit down and watch. Those things build vines and can really zap you. Take care of them. You have a lot more potential than you are used to. Nervousness will make you insane. Remember the sacred ground your beautifying mind warms the rest of your world.