Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Semen Theory

I once dropped acid at home while my family was on vacation (I was in my 20's). Every time you do acid your mind contorts into an absurdist shape of your psyche. It's like an alchemical experiment. It's caught in the flow of reality and you are using ingredients from the spirit's cupboard. But you are already working from the psyche, a type of succulent plant. 

Back in those days, I was still on good terms with my neighborhood. I was basically a Messiah figure for the kids. They congregated on my lawn like flamingos and considered me like the King Raccoon Prince of Audrey. It was very nice but of course they're kooky kids and eventually I fell out of grace. But I remember being high as heaven on acid this summer day and biking around trying to de-pickle my mind. One of the kids, Rachel, who was a sweetie, stuck her head out of a passing car and shouted greetings out to me. I was touched but the shape of her oval head and body made me instantly think we are all little sperms booping around. Very traumatic business I tell you

But there is some sort of terrifying spiritual insight which impressed upon me from that. Aside from my abuse of psychedelic drugs, the 'sperm theory' of the earth seems to have some bastardsome reality.

Now the thing is that the sperm cell is encased in SEMEN which is issued from a PEEPEE in order to meet a VAGINA EGG. This is the sperm theory, the transposed ontology of the sperm as a structure of the human world system. 

For example: if you look at a person, male or female, they kind of resemble a sperm.

In the sense that we still remain in a competing system of money vs money, merit vs merit, and even spirit vs spirit, we remain the 'winning sperm', which happens to be a myth. The sperm are a collective trans-organism who are bound to a "separate" body, the uterus. So, though we are collectively anchored, the individual becomes the 'individual' sperm slotted into the lottery of fucking their Mum. 

The strange thing is though, that we are semen. We are all the semen of Christ and Buddha and the great Sages. We must flow together in order to see and become with the Egg. THE GREAT SEMEN ETERNAL LIFE!!!!!!!