Monday, September 19, 2022

Concept of Alien

The concept of alien otherness has existed since time immemorial. But not until humans developed a science fiction sense of the universe (without getting into ancient alien shit) did we invent the idea of 'Aliens' as another humanoid originating from another place in the galaxy. I can't trace the idea/experience of alien visitation throughout human history, but at least in the past few centuries with the advent of modern astronomy the possibility has become increasingly open to speculation. Ancient Greek philosophers discussed it long ago. I'm sure when any human from any pre-industrial era from any culture anywhere on the earth looked up at the sky they felt eyes staring back, whether only in the recesses of the deep psyche. 

But it begs the question of what 'alien' is. Alien is defined by otherness, so can't we all be aliens? Naturally, an intragalactic encounter would send shockwaves within humanity that'd alter our existence forever. But if the only reason we are alien to one another is dislocation within the field of pure Nature then any cosmic species would be our family - although that thought can easily be contested. If spacetime is only an inflection with mind and vice versa then our being is connected to any other on whatever side of the galaxy. That of course is a very bold statement to make for life can occur independently with no organic relation to other crops of life. (Hence ALIEN the MOVIE, EVIL GRASSHOPPER SCORPION RACE)

Yet when you realize our actual experience, of cosmic loneliness and the desolation that reigns over this earth, you begin to perhaps see the earth as a patchwork of many alien worlds. Especially in this day and age, when the human tree's roots have been hacked from the Old Mother. 

The diversity of subjectivity and florescence of experience brings us over and over to the experience of alienness and yet undercurrents of communion. Yet without speculating on the thing of alienation from Nature and our animal and plant kin, there is a radical break between us and the other beings on this earth. I sometimes stare back into my cat's eyes and I see a strange, strange creature. The wild minds of this earth. Finding their own niches. Working together, falling apart, singing jungle songs, prairie songs, desert songs, forest songs, mountain songs, tundra songs. Oy! What a crazy world! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Specimen # 30393921358 The Alderaan Principle. . . .


Now, where did I put my drink.... you see my days are boring, long, and mostly uneventful.... there's only one good way I know how to deal with it: drink, and to read. But every now and again I need to write. And well, I've been fiddling around here and there in my brain, here and there, where there are a number of ideas which like peas are snugged away ready to snug back up, and in time I eventually come back to pluck them out and stick em in the gob, to toss them to the world..

Anyway; I meant to conduct an experiment, and, now that I have your basic attention, whether or not you keep it and don't let your tongue sour......

What I mean to imply was that we have received the transmission about some 'interstargallactic intrusion' and that it's very 'hyper conducive to the current paradmignatic situaation', Capotauin...

We must firstly assume that anything is possible in this rather shite but nevertheless realmy realm, this old thingery that we have to give our pitiful pesos to... what was I on about? Ha, oh dear, what a little bird. There is nothing but a bird, is there, a young bird, and the space of the new time burgeoning through, dancing river waters unbleached blues and whites, dolphin beads that shimmer and twinkle.



The Space Principle is ... active.... that is, in such and such a sense that the very existence of a Star Wars 'universe' ... indicates the possibility that Star Wars actually existed. Yes. You heard me right. As a philosophical and scientific dilettante, I am presuming boldly enough a position to posit which I presume is indeed the very fantasization of the Star Wars universe has itself based ultimately in the microbial mind spores which have emanated from beyond, through the intergalactic1 space channels which pollinate our various island universes.

Let me qualify this with a reminder of the longfound idea of Panspermia. Briefly this posits that life in our solar system (Nexus Plexus from here on out) could have been produced through ancient nebular seedings derived from the cosmic soil— of which I dare say humans have very little true historical reckoning (though I'm no scientist, some even call me a quack)— and thus a hypothesis of intragalactic ~ via space rock trajectories ~ cosmic life interseeding being one, but not the only, possible origins of life. And here! Let me tell you this! I don't give one shit if you believe in this or not, but it doesn't matter! Because it just doesn't even matter at this point (the damage has already been done!)! And I am already inside it!!!

Now, if we presume that every little beadlet of consciousness has some potential value in this sea we call the Nexus Plexus, in the sense that even a thought whilest alone in the desert of a rock is in fact a rocking of that rock and a thoughting of that rock - then we can presume at least that the intercosmic spaces between many celestial bodies have, eventually, some sort of impact on one another, granted that entropy doesn't destroy it all by the spread of absolute void. (Speaking of your sex life...!)

Yet there are many reasons to argue against this proposition, mainly that the mind is only an emergent phenomena which depends upon a fundamentally biological functioning, and so 'mind spores' would just be a grotesque idealization; however, for the sake of imagination we will hold the idea potentially possible. However, in a more realistic sense we needn't rely on 'mind spores' at all, for in this theory of intergalactic life-seeding, as long as a biological bacterium is able to traverse and survive the intergalactic recesesses and penetrate successfully a new planetary ovum, then the same evolutionary seed may begin again.

That is to say that once the Mother strain begins taking off in a suitable new environment and undergoes a fresh round of evolution, it is a genetically familial offshoot of the base evolutionary structure. Thus while the evolutionary transplant will express itself uniquely in its adaptation to novel circumstances, the same evolutionary essentials— the not quite but more or less universal phenomenological-biological structure (???)will develop a sister geneology that is latent within this fresh seed. So when a new system is seeded and life opens up a new chapter upon itself, the succeeding and preceding geneaologies are connected and related to each other through an absolute familiarity - in the sense as the parent and the child are one and the same cheese.

Thus when Star Wars impregnated our semen we watch "Star Wars" as a science "fiction" that was spawned out of some "nerd's" mind but in reality the "spore" of the "idea" which "Lucas" pushed out his placenta was in fact just a mirroring of the basic fundamental cosmic "essence" named "Pringle."

The question might arise as to why the Star Wars universe appears to be diametrically opposite to earth civilization; but actually, if you think about it,......................... and in evolution's many ages... there may be an extreme differentiation in content while the form remains more determined. That is, one often wonders why in the Star Wars galaxy the prime weapon is lazer machines; but one might be neglecting to consider that our own history may have unraveled along a completely alien trajectory which was brought forth from a completely different technological paradigm. It takes imagining and a willing dismissal of any hard historical determinism, an emphasis on innovative flukes, chance, anomaly, and the underlying pliableness of evolution itself, in order to see how we may have developed on a more 'enlightened' technological wavelength. Naturally if the previous civilized galactic system which included thousand of different, cooperating species and only managed to self annihilate itself after eons of political experiments, its technological apparati were based upon a different and seemingly less violent lineage. (Except when the Death Star began murdering everything)

Some technotheorists may argue that technology has a reductive tendency to become more powerful and powerful and that the tendency towards maximum automation, integrated systems, creative/destructive capacity,etc, is an inherent tendency, but aside from the fact that many cultures and species naturally shun excess of technocracy....... may they be at peace


Ah! Ive fallen into drink again! Blooduy heaven, this is not a fun matter. But necessary. So I say, in my stupid ponderance. But come now. The philosophy of the micro-macro and the cosm - it is evident of course. There is a simple principle which is easily translatable between cultures. 'The Force.'4

Im drunk as heaven but what have you I oublietted a lot a shit it's insane and stupid... who gives it, as I said ear

the spacemoniker , having dried up , foggied. . . . . blind . . . . . ..... ..... 





1Actually, there's no reason to believe that Star Wars happened in a galaxy "far far away," because it'd be more likely it came from a SYSTEM which was far far away within the Milky Way. FUCKING GALAXY FUCKING CHAUVINISTS!!!!!!!