Thursday, September 3, 2020

Basic Theory of how moons work in interaction


iT’s a perfectly reasonable thesis. Now even the philosophants of astrologY, a self-identified liberal school, accept the premises of new theories in order to re-evaulate their science, or is it art, or divination, or somewhere between. Yes. Exactly, I apologize for yelling. I’m not used to this city bustle. I’m an idiot, and, I just meant to propose – simply speaking, a , yes, new proposable , I see, right – WELL, you know!!!! A NEW THESIS UPON HOW THE MOON operates within our psychic physiology!!!

But- I suspect lil mocking eyes rolling me in my own idiotic banter!!!! Typical A QUARIAN MERCURY REVALATUion!!!!!!

They all take us for fools, and yet we’re just trying to offer something new. Never take the jester seriously: he only makes jokes!! Never mind that jokes are merely SNICKERBONS thrusted into the GULLET OF YOUR SOUL… just imagine all these jokesters are merely flabby caterpillars rolling around in their baffoonish GOO! Right? As if a joker should and ought never HAVE some very tender feelings and we’re all just robotic LAUGH MacHINes!!!!!!!!! ETERNAL SADNESS!!!!!

Anyways so – what I was saying was that the lunar body kernelizes within the child, and thencewith that lunar core forms their basic moon magnetic. The alienated consciousness of society divides the unconscious and conscious into a nervous joining and emits somewhat elusive frequencies. One can go so far as saying, but one shouldn’t, that the love attraction functions very high-tuned to this essential frequency. And thus all the more rare. In the meantime the lunar frequency spreads upon a field of other lunar energies (compacted with the earth) and varyingly intersects with the conscious flow of human experience.

In my own life, having been born under Leo Moon in the third house, I experience such magnetics as the constant beacon of light alighted upon my own performance, and the need to absorb. The environment is my playground. And I am the freakish specimen upon circus display (jello starfish dream of electric Venus). It’s messed up. And yet, ah, what a pleasure to be the sunniest moon magnet of them all! Ha ha!!

As the moon sets, so does the body become the psyche. In what way are we our mysterious selves, lost in the specter of a forest of eyes? Trust in your moon magnet. Let it roll a blanket for you on this rumbling earth, and provide the tea of dream. But no moon as the sun dun’t shine– weave your light as you catch fish from the night.

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