Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Moon Jew

Anyways. I have this theory about certain characters. Honestly, the radical underground is made up of people who are generally considered hippies, punks, etc. Of course there is no homogenity among humanity and everyone's at different planes of consciousness, blah, blah blah. I find that there is a particular New Age outlook which believes in a certain eschatoloy in the sense of Judaism, Abrahanism.... but though it adopts a kind of Judeo-Christian outlook, it's basically pantheist. Moon Jews are just people who abide by lunar consciousness - drug users are good examples, but being a fulltime Moon Jew is a more serious way to spend the time. It is not intellectual inherently. It is a fabric of belief and attitude towards embodying pantheistic feeling. Simple as that!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Elemental ComBUsTiOn

THERE I was in the bar thinking about my dumb ass life, simmering on a White Claw (not yet officially sponsored) and another beer (Montucky Cold Snack, also not yet... shut up) , AND I THINK TO MYSELF: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU SHITHEAD? Well it's not my fault, says me, but I figure that at least I have my astrophilosophy, you cunt, overseer, cunt shit. Anyways so I figured there has to be a deeper identity beyond Sun sign clearly, and figured that one must 'calculate' the elements/substances combining in your soul womb - i.e. one must take one's Moon and Sun signs and figure out what they mean. Now of course there are 4 elements, 12 signs, and so 3 of each (3x4=12). Water and Fire; Air and Earth; but each sign is its own essence, in its family of elements: and once one figures this as a Sun-Moon pot, one can determine one's "subelemental" "goo" as I like to call it.
I.e. Libra Sun = Air + Water Moon = Somewhat rainsome cloudy psyche, i.e. the air sun which creates a wind/atmosphere centred ego-vessel, is undergirded by an emotional, osmotic internal psyche.... now, one can clearly see where I am proceeding with this, but does it matter? Most astrology is in the etherworld of people's minds, that is, it is as it should be, basically just an abstractual board of thought which doesn't have the capacity to involve you in TRUE experience which everyone craves for- it's just an ideology.
Nonetheless this is a fucking astrophilosophy blog so I have to provide fucking spellsheets for you to fucking figure out what you are in life and what the fuck your thinking is doing to your reality.. SO FUCKING STOP DOUBTING ME AND JUST HAVE FUN PLEASE!!!
Now alright, back to the equation. So Clearly I didn't indicate the Water sign specifically nor did I move on to the next step in figuring the essence of how the zodiac combines itself in each of us uniquely. So we can say that the Moon is in Cancer, which means we have Libra Sun, Cancer Moon. Each of the signs contain a style of how their element is expressed. Sagittarius for instance is the most 'fluid' fire signs (mutable), that is it creates fire differently from Aries and Leo. Et cetera. You understand.
So next we combine Cancer and Libra, and what do we get?
A particular flavor of tea - Libra being the 'coolest' of the air signs and Cancer being the 'coolest' of water. Something silvery blue crystal - like a Swiss lake? I DO NOT KNOW HAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Though of course no one or hardly anyone reads this, I understand either way, I should define my sense of ASTROPHILOSOPHY as though I imagine there might be some discrepancies to WHOMEVER comes on wandering in here.
You might think that astrophilosophy is just my term for a kind of theoretical astrology... which it is. But it is broader to me, it represents a certain spiritual space which is in the vein of hermeticism basically.
Astrophilosophy is thus the philosophy from space; while since I am a grandchild of the Space Age (as if it ever ended), I cannot say that this is not the geopolitical metaphysical inversion of a new detached subjectivity, but to me a space philosophy does indeed have roots in hermeticism, alchemy, and so on, which of course long precede the Space Age and mechanical spaceflight (i.e., the Industrial Revolution).
There are of course different levels, planes, abodes of existence, and though we are all members of society rooted in a cerebral biology inhabiting a physical body, one must of course never discount the power of subjectivity. After all, the body is itself subjective since it processes so-called reality differently according to its consitutition and physiology.

As you know the term chemistry comes from alchemy which derives from Arabic which derives from Greek, etc. and according to Wiktionary possibly Egyptian indicating "a mingling, infusion, juice, liquid, as extracted from gold" or just "juice, sap." Alchemy of course is an entire subject unto itself but in short for my purpose it inherently implies the 'mixing' of 'juices.' (Ha, ha ha, ha ha, HA HA.)
     Not to say this is supposed to be literal - but here we have the element of Water somehow being fundamentally involved. Of course, in Astrology water is the 'feeling' element, the 'alive' in its most visceral sense, and as you know water is supposed to be the source of life on Earth and possibly a good part of the Galaxy (of course that's a fucking idiotic assumption to make, but nonetheless it's the least assuming of idiotic assumptions), since it is a liquid and facilitating medium. So it clearly makes sense that alchemy and chemistry by extension has a significant liquid aspect to it.
Wait, but that wasn't my point, anyways. GOD DAMMIT. I get off on tangents. Oh well you fucksuckers anyways the fascinating thing about alchemy is that it proposes that matter is inherently imbued with spirit, i.e. Life. Because as I said Water is the feeling element, which life if anything is feeling (this is actually not the way scientists necessarily look at life, since they have other theories about self-replication and so on, don't ask me). It's also about Gold- or the Sun Principle.
Quite fascinating. Indeed.... but to what end is this at all fascinating, if not the idle fancy of some STUPID degenerate in BEaversnowhereland?
Oh, right, my original point.
Yeah, the alchemy of the biological presence.
Indeed, no matter how materialism tends to diminish the reality of the spiritual subject, one must always remember that each biological entity is fluid, since biology is a porous existence. One should stoop to the iguana's perspective and see that even this little fucker in the desert has eyes and ears and taste buds which lathers itself in a dry - but not completely dry - environment in order to ... what was I saying? HAHA WHO CARES I'M DYING

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Oh how wonderful to gaze upon the moon and always I am baffled that more people do not gaze upon the moon as the very special thing it is, a giant landscape floating in space. In a sense the moon is a gigantic spherical mountain in orbit around Earth, and though the only way to bridge it (on the material plane at least, my dear Charles) is by rocketing across a vast inhuman void, the idea that it constitutes an 'eighth continent' when one considers the earth-moon pair a single planetary system, to me at least, bears some truth.

Whichever way you choose to classify it, it is a fact that the moon is a landscape, one which too many people take for granted. I am sincerely amazed at how little people seem to regard the moon. I have tried various mental experiments which would help me perceive the moon with a more sublime experience, and though this experience of the sublime depends on concentration, it is a true joy to see the moon in all its glory: as a massive pearl circling our sky. I am actually quite frustrated that people do not see the absolute beauty in this. Of course everything can become consumed by banality, the most wonderful things being human has to offer, but this is not the moon's fault. And moreover the moon is not only a celestial mountain, but its perch in the cosmic atmosphere, with the waxing and waning in its monthly cycle, endows us with the impression that it is somehow alive, a divine being undergoing endless metamorphosis. There are crescent moons, full moons, day moons, early morning moons, Venus- or Jupiter- or Mars- or Saturn or Mercury-studded moons, blood moons, eclipse moons, dead moons, summer moons, spring moons, blue moons, and so on.