Thursday, September 16, 2021

Concerning Alien Gods & The Particulars of Biology

 Many a thought abrewing in my caccoon brain.... I have conducted several exercises in logic and I have come to a more or less reliable conclusion on the metaphysics of the universe. If you want you can trust me to have performed my logick soundly, or if not then you can write me and call me a dummy. Whatever suits you... since after all my conclusion is about the existence of God... and how God caused everything... and how you are an atheist dilettante and surely have two bricks short of a tabernacle... if ever I saw one...

Now concerning the matter of Jah and the pantheism of Rastafari, the very existence, in fact, of Jah pantheism, as a concept - for the concept which is in effect a proof that Jah exists in the first place -- as a social phenomenon encapsulating a metaphysical uh, how do I say... pouissance.... means that they are transcendent because that is what they all embody in their being. More on this later as I can taste your atheist ticklers are already tingling.

Now as for the atomic imprint, every atom is touched through total cosmic communion by every other atom by virtue of the singularity of the Primal Goo (which is God's Centipede). I just want to get it out of the way that the galactic body is an organism which commutes matter eternally into itself on a transcendent unfathomable time scale and thus our minds are not meant to be upon equal experience in truly 'knowing' it as the firefly caught in the dark sees only the ocean of light inside itself and the ocean of the dark abyss. All grasshoppers eyes bounce beyond a softly flowering firmament in some sort of twilight. However, it must be noted that some projections of the universe posit an eternal entropy and thus eventual withering away of matter as anything but a mote of dust structure nothingness.

Anyways when Frankenstein incubated his stupid monster, he incubated a new humanity. And Mary Shelly noticed that, the machine-made Man being the one who would serve as fodder for the factory of the nascent bourgeois..... and when was the Supernova to look after this mess? Blossomed in dead sky of ancient lights and ocean graveyard beasts, neither serpent nor fish, just goo, old, old goo, dead old goo!

Concerning the primordial ooze.... if every biological beings all belong to a single tree, as most evolutionarists believe though how could they know anything merely based on fossils and other intellectual devices, for the main point is merely that life exists here, and so it could most certainly have developed in several independent locations: there is no proof for the claim that life is rare, for every specific location where it happens is in fact a massive explosion of the universe, a fullness and plethora concerned not with the idle thoughts of physicists and other layabouts!

Now concerning the humanoid evolutionary tendency, wherein certain evolutionary features of life on earth are a manifestation of a transsolar systematics of development, in terms of a cross-cosmic morphological tendency. The sensory appendages of the biological being have certain tendencies to organize their sense apparatuses into similar forms while clearly specializing in certain functions rather than others. Worms, who are not very mammalian, lack eyes, yet are capable of detecting light and dark, which amounts to the same thing. That is the rub: the elemental fact of light breeds a tendency toward vision, which develops out of eyes, on earth (there must be many exceptions to this thought, since I am not a biologist). However, plants do not have eyes, nor is it necessarily logical to say that they "see" despite the fact that they respond to light. However, if we consider a well-developed alien world we will find that definite sensory structures will have formed along the delineated structure of cosmic phenomena: the elements, solar fusion, light, and the requirements of life. Thus it is not too hard to imagine aliens having similar features to us - for that cosmic spacetime is technically separated by space, its soil is fundamentally part of the same metaphysical soil which precedes spacetime.

Now concerning the dragonflies in my ear...