Monday, July 27, 2020

Go Fuck Me - Let's Build a Telescope that'll Create a new Planet

Lunar Body 3

The moon is associated with the body, whilst the sun is moreso consciousness. But of course, there is so much overlap between these seemingly dual spheres. The lunar body is indeed psychosomatic, and makes a lot more sense than any term like 'solar body'. This I think is due to the nature of the moon itself, how its corporeality makes an impact on us in a visceral manner that the sun doesn't- in terms of perceiving it, not the actual physical effects of the sun. One can't look at the sun, it would devour their eyes. But the moon is a definite, perceptible body. As such, the Moon reflects the condition of birth and death, the processes of decay in relation to the sun which appears to be an eternal, unchanging essence.

This is why you can talk about a lunar body, and how the moon's workings correspond to our own. As the moon waxes and wanes, it is melting through phases of ying and yang with the line between light and shadow growing and receding, something called the terminator. There must thus be a similar boundary upon our own psychosomatic body where the different elements of light and shadow coalesce with each other.

But I don't think that astrology is meant to equate the astronomical lunar phase in a reductionist manner and indeed one's 'inner lunar phase' can be entirely different from the astronomical one. The lunar body is constantly cycling in rhythm with life, and one should even consider the idea that there may be an 'inner moon' inside everyone which is merely the child, not the slave, of the Mother Moon. Maybe then the moon itself only acts as the crux upon which all the lunar energies form synergy and move through the collective lunar body.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Grey Realities

The distortion of the psyche and our cerebral physiology, no less the social, by our technological sphere, should definitely not be underestimated. It's an already entrenched subjective machinery that like the virtual flows of time, capital, and all invisible electric waves and rays, provides an all pervading fragment that penetrates each and every one of our reality(s). Now this may sound insidious and all, but this is merely the mode of our current historical flow, and according to its own specific nature is also in flux and in continuous dissolution. This dissolution is the erosion of the physical spacetime which the past 50 odd years of technology have helped reproduce. Naturally these are involved in complex social forces more substantial than any psychic involutions engendered through the metaphysical reconfiguration - which are so subtley and gradually built up (most of the time, at least) and not engineered as Matrix thinking suggests that of course they are overshadowed by the more physical movements of history. Yet the very conduit in which most social interaction occurs now is right before our eyes at this moment and contains more flesh than many of the events 'of the real world'. In fact this conduit has more flesh than my own flesh, and yet it is anti-flesh, the very transcendence of flesh.

It is in this transcendence of the body and indeed the psyche itself where this same transgressed psyche becomes encapsulated within these conduits. The technology of today, all the social media devices intertwining contemporary social networks and thus their communicative and interpersonal exchanges, has both been borne out of the nature of the mind and has in turn compelled the mind to adapt to it. All technology is the materialization of a structure and the restructuring of that structure but at the same time is a tool complementing the mind. Indeed, I might conjecture that many latter-day technologies are false automatons performing the functions which the human mind is capable doing by itself. As it is, this facilitation fulfills our needs but at the cost of an organic culture of spacetime. There is still a physical structure, however, to the cyber realm, but it lacks depth - or I should say it negates the natural human geometry.

I should know, my computer is my best friend. :(