Sunday, May 17, 2020

Aquarian Experiment No. 333

So to dissect the social fabric one must pierce through the very foundation of the Earth, which is not a foundation since tectonic plates are floated upon lava or some such shit. But you can quickly see that the fabric of the social organism is overlapped, stratified, and given to permeation and suppression.

So one sees that everything is glued by ecology. That every thing interacts with the other, on some mechanical, long, vertically-enhanced, pinball tack. This does not, in the Pisces mind, entail pure submersion into All. For - to reference Sophie's World - one puts on some glasses for the ALL, and one puts on some glasses for the ONE. One must experiment to find the true balance within reality,

Anyhoo so the outlying tissue is the houses, the buildings. These are scabberous domiciles for the mental and physical labor of the people, the factories of mind, body, service, etc. These are to some degree alive, so don't sneeze.
Next there is the general atmosphere generated by the architectural skeletal structure, whatever.
Then of course we have the human traffic, social flow, individuals floating through the rivers of timespace, blah blah. Timespace is a whole nother tissuefabric.
And then, of course, aside from the cars, is the plastering over of the Nature flora, which Civilization needs, and the suppressed - as I said - fabric underneath.
So aside from these layers which are interactive, there is the psychic dimension which is like ethereal cheese, or if vegan, exquisite tofu. The psychic dimension generates and destroys all the other elements combined in this terrain. And yet, as ecology, is fed by it.
Alright, God Bless you crazys, love you