Saturday, April 11, 2020

Malefics, belefics, krazaviks, brahmavics

Malefics and benefics: who are they?  The devil do I know where this theory originated except perhaps in the ominous conjunctions and red colors of Saturn and Mars. I once saw a malefic conjunction two years ago and it was demonic smelling. That is, it exuded a demonic air, but I might myself have demon-glazed eyes, all things considered (angelic cross on mine eyes).

There are the neutral planets: Mercury, and Moon.
The benefics are Venus, Jupiter, and I assume the Sun, but not sure on that last one.

But it's important to evaluate, whatever their primordial metaphysical origin, the substance of malefic and benefic stature when you're considering your chart.

Saturn in fact loves us, and Pluto is only a monster we summoned but don't know how to tame.

I ate space Mercury, now my beans are spotzzled. Good old Mercury. Have some Mercurial wander-dust.
So I made a joke today:
What do you get when you get a Gemini? Abortions aren't legal,
Just kidding, ha, ha, ha!!!! No.
Geminis are just Scorpio Virgis, change my mind
Mercury and Alabaster C

Uranus is considered both benefic, malefic, and shitzo shit. Neptune is generally benefic, but has a strong neutral fick. So there, astrology for the day