Friday, March 13, 2020

Race, ethnicity, social caste

I find this issue really whacky and I kind of identify with it myself, as a misfit. From what I remember about my sociology education, race as a concept was consolidated in the Enlightenment/19th century as a taxonomic tendency developed within the colonial knowledge project necessarily in train to military colonialism, but for a long time Europe has conceptualized the other in racial terms. 'Blackamoor,' 'Saracen,' - and trans-Alpine Europe was just a mass of 'barbarians' in Greek and Roman times. The whole idea of race, ethnicity,and cultural grouping has a wellspring in intertribal/imperial conflicts. For instance, in the year 3000 'American' might be a new ethnicity, derived from the various 'races' which we ascribe to ourselves today.

There is an interesting process in modern (17th-21st cent.) history. The nation-state became a predominant regime structure in every nation, metabolizing the new mode of capitalism. But before that, rulers sought to consolidate their people through the ideas of nation, though in a more primitive process.

The evidence of tribalism is evident in the marking of race, nationhood, class, gender, subgroup and personality - the last item highly mobilized by latter day capitalism, which imprints the seal upon all the others in deeply individualistic cultures. But my original idea was interested in the idea of 'caste', which in India is something really unfathomable to me, since I have never lived with it, and yet I know how social standing can be 'marked' and "CAST", if you will, ASIDE.

This is evident in America obviously...
The categories are false, because they are imposed: the only identities which are the most real are human, spiritual, communal and revolutionary or sympathetic. Yet we live in a world of psyche and its myriad elaborations!!! It truly is a labyrinth, but one in which spiritual honesty and , at least the image of, love creates joy.
(nice bra

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Well fuck my cunt!

What? Oh yes - remember that the mind is a cascading wonderball. That is like the earth, the sphereum eternalias, gooby goobly goob goob, splish splash wundersplash, round & round the rosies. Funny, isn't it, spacetime?
But y'see, y'see...! It doesn't matter. The memory goes palonk lonk, lonk, lonk. Ol earth bubble