Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Ah WELL FUCK. New Moon Theory.

Yah so I was pissin n pattin with my brothers last nite, and I stumbled upon a thought in my mind - WHICH IS COPYRIGHTED SO DON'T TRY EVEN TRY IT - about the Moon, ah, but it's not cipyrighted at all, cause it's basic astronomy, which is why I love it, and it's just so basic that it flies past so many people's minds but maybe only cause we don't think about astronomy, anyways it's that the Moon is not a SPHERE and that instead it is A LUNAR CASTLE, HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!#^#^#^!!

Anyways, so now that you've cleaned your mind-blown mind-guts up, LEMME ELABORATE. All props to my bros Daniel & Bryce, & Alden who is going thru some shit - cause without these guys I might not be here as I am today.... anyways, so let me get to the shit. So like, obviously you've heard that 'a perfect circle doesn't exist' - or not, I dunno - which basically means of course, by extension, no perfect sphere exists either. This is basic astronomy, but of course the earth, and every other celestial body, has no perfect, smooth surface of course because it is made of things like rock and other fluxuous matter. Thus, the moon is more like a prickly pear than an orange.

Even though Mons Huygens, the Moon's highest peak at half of Everest (btw a British explorer's name) is not as intimidating, the point remains that the Moon is an Ice Crystal Mountain© (not actually made of mice) that lacks any spherical integrity, and is insteady a rolling prickly ball in space. But it is your space, to own and adopt, love, and figure out. That's the point, aye! God bless you, and keep dreaming upon your moon and BEING strength