Monday, August 12, 2019

The synaesthesimythologicization of Spirits.

NOW SOME MAY SAY  THAT THAT'S TOO MUCH VERBIAGE -  BUT I DISAGREE- FOR, as all things are as they are, so too are the clanky, phlegm-ridden hairballs of certain tongues! Now the bloody thing is, min d my french, or don't - i don't care - just that, well, the very fabric of the human ideation - they are quite fanciful, but fancy wedded to WHom?

You see, all mythology has some "REALITY" kernel within it, despite the sterilizations of 21st century psychic closure etc. The reality of Nature is that it has a spirit and this is the unfortunate legacy of European-centred (I do not here condemn socalled western civilization here) industrial civilization, that it has debased this spirit and lifehood of so much possibility - but nature still lives under all our crazed socialized regimens, and there is a greater being who we are part of, for earth is our sacred garden. Now this may sound Christian to you, and forsooth the Christian spirit has infected this love of mother nature, and so too the witches have fetishized her to such an extent that she becomes thornsome taboo. But sweet Mother Earth flows upon and with all of us, giving love- all animals, plants, humanity, and the ever-writhing minds of this age. Even into the machines she or they creeps, recollecting for them the sweet home which all share. Does Universal consciousness only allow this? Does relativity reorient the grounds of absolutism?

I have no idea, in fact I got distracted from my original trajectory. Whatever, cause I got enough on my GOD DAMN PLATE LIKE A PLATYPUS EGG ON MY SOMBRERO

Exactly. And that's why genies are made out of saint's ashes and demon snuff.